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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 16
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

the rights acquired by a third party in good faith before the voidness is recorded in the marriage register according to section 1497/1.”

Section25.The following provisions shall be inserted in section 1516 of the Civil and Commercial Code as (4/1) and (4/2):

“(4/1)when the husband or wife has been sentenced to imprisonment by a final judgment and has been imprisoned for more than one year for an offence the causing of which the other had no part in or the commission of which the other did not consent to or connive at, and the other would suffer excessive injury or trouble if they continue to be husband and wife, the other may institute an action for divorce;

(4/2)when the husband and wife voluntarily live apart because of having been unable to peacefully live together as husband and wife for more than three consecutive years, or they have lived apart as a result of a court order for more than three years, either of them may institute an action for divorce”.

Section26.The provisions of (5) of section 1516 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

“(5)when the husband or wife has been adjudged by a court to have disappeared or has left the domicile or abode for more than three years without anyone knowing exactly if he or she has already died or is still alive, the other may institute an action for divorce”.

Section27.The provisions of section 1520 and section 1521 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions: