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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 23
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

(1)the mother or father has died;

(2)it is not certain whether the mother or father is still alive or has died;

(3)the mother or father has been adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent by a court;

(4)the father or mother has to be hospitalised because of mental infirmity;

(5)a court orders that the parental power be vested in the father or mother;

(6)the father and mother adopt an agreement when the law provides that they may adopt such an agreement.”

Section39.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Civil and Commercial Code as section 1569/1:

Section1569/1.In the event that a minor has been adjudged incompetent by a court and the court has given an order appointing as his or her custodian another person than the person exercising the parental power or guardian, such order shall result in removal of the person exercising the parental power or guardian existing at that time.

In the event that a spouseless person who has attained majority has been adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent by a court, both or either of the father and mother shall become his or her custodians or curators, as the case may be, save where the court gives a different order.”