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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 25
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

(8)making a gratuitous gift, save where it is to be made out of the income of the minor on behalf of the minor for a public charity or social activity or as a result of a moral obligation and it is appropriate for the living conditions of the minor;

(9)accepting a gratuitous gift subject to conditions or charges, or refusing a gratuitous gift;

(10)offering any guarantee which would result in a debt being enforced against the minor, or performing a different juristic act which would result in the minor being required to pay a debt of another person or on behalf of another person;

(11)seeking benefits from property in other events than those provided in section 1598/4(1), (2), or (3);

(12)adopting a compromise;

(13)submitting a dispute to an arbitrator for an award.”

Section41.The provisions of section 1580 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Section1580.Once the minor has attained majority, the person exercising the parental power or guardian may confirm the administration of the minor’s property only after he or she has accepted the delivery of the inventory and documents under 1578.”

Section42.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Civil and Commercial Code as section 1584/1:

Section1584/1.The father or mother has the right to