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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 29
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

Section1598/6.Wardship ends when the ward dies or attains majority.

Section1598/7.Guardianship ends when the guardian—


(2)resigns upon the permission of a court;

(3)becomes incompetent or quasi-incompetent;

(4)becomes bankrupt;

(5)is removed by a court order.

Section1598/8.The court shall order removal of the guardian in the following events:

(1)the guardian neglects a duty;

(2)the guardian is seriously negligent in office;

(3)the guardian wrongfully exercises a power or duty;

(4)the guardian commits misconduct, which renders him or her inappropriate for the office;

(5)the guardian lacks ability for the office to the extent likely to endanger the benefit of the ward;

(6)there occurs such an incident as provided in section 1587(3), (4), or (5).”