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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 33
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

Section1598/25.If the person who is to adopt a child or is to be adopted as a child has a spouse, he or she must obtain prior consent of the spouse. In the event that the spouse is unable to give the consent or has left the domicile or abode and has not been found for not less than one year, a request must be made to a court for its permission in place of the consent of the spouse.”

Section54.The following provisions shall be inserted in section 1598/26 of the Civil and Commercial Code as its paragraph 2:

“If one spouse wants to register the adoption of a minor who has been adopted by the other spouse as his or her child also, he or she must obtain the consent of the spouse who has already adopted that child and section 1598/21 shall become inapplicable.”

Section55.The provisions of section 1598/27 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Section1598/27.Adoption of a child shall be valid only upon registration according to the law, but if the person who is to be adopted as a child is a minor, the law on child adoption must be observed first.”

Section56.The provisions of paragraph 3 of section 1598/31 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

“In the event that a minor has been adopted as a child in line with section 1598/21, paragraph 2, section 1598/22, section 1598/23, section