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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 7
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

in part a servitude, right of habitation, right of superficies, usufruct, or charge on immovable property;

(3)letting immovable property for more than three years;

(4)providing loans;

(5)making a gratuitous gift, save where it suits the living conditions of the family and is for a public charity or social activity or made out of a moral obligation;

(6)adopting a compromise;

(7)submitting a dispute to an arbitrator for an award;

(8)providing property to a public officer or court as security or guarantee.

In other events than those provided in paragraph 1, the husband or wife can administer the marital property without having to obtain the consent of the other.”

Section11.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Civil and Commercial Code as section 1476/1:

Section1476/1.The husband and wife may administer the marital property in a manner wholly or partly different from that provided in section 1476 only when they have adopted a premarital contract according to the provisions of section 1465 and section 1466, in which event the administration of the marital property shall be as specified in the premarital contract.