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Number 53, Volume 64
Special Edition, Page 10
Royal Gazette

9 November 2490

within one month, the National Assembly must discuss it anew. If the National Assembly resolves to reaffirm it, the Prime Minister shall bring such bill before [the Monarch] in order to present it [to Him] for further promulgation.

Section31.All bills may be submitted by the Council of Ministers or by Members of the National Assembly.

Section32.No person can be a Member of the Senate and of the House of Representatives at the same time.

Section33.The Senate is composed of Members elected by the Monarch in the same number as the Members of the House of Representatives.

Section34.Memberships in the Senate are subject to a term of six years each. Only in the initial period, one half of the Members shall be replaced by means of sortition upon completion of three years.

Section35.A membership in the Senate terminates upon—

(1)retirement by rotation;

