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Number 53, Volume 64
Special Edition, Page 12
Royal Gazette

9 November 2490

If a position of Member becomes vacant for any other reason than retirement upon expiry or dissolution of the House, a replacing Member shall be elected within a period of ninety days, save where the remaining term of the House is less than six month. In addition, the Member admitted for such replacement shall hold the position for the [remaining] term of his predecessor only.

Section40.The Monarch wields the prerogative to dissolve the House of Representatives in order to enable the people to elect its Members anew. In the royal decree for dissolution of the House, the election of new Members must be scheduled to be conducted within ninety days.

Dissolution of the House of Representatives can only be done once for a single event.

Section41.A membership in the House of Representatives ends upon—

(1)retirement on expiry or dissolution of the House;



(4)lack of a qualification according to the law on elections of Members of the House of Representatives.