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Number 53, Volume 64
Special Edition, Page 19
Royal Gazette

9 November 2490

the House of Representatives passes a resolution in agreement with the Senate, it shall then be deemed that the bill lapses.

If the Senate passes a resolution that the bill be amended, it shall be sent back to the House of Representatives for reconsideration. If the House of Representatives passes a resolution in agreement with the amendments made by the Senate, it shall further be proceeded with in accordance with the provisions of section 29.

If the House of Representatives, by a vote of more than half of the total Members, passes a resolution to reaffirm the bill which has been sent back according to the provisions of paragraph 2 or paragraph 3, the bill shall then be deemed to have received the approval of the National Assembly and shall further be proceeded with in accordance with the provisions of section 29.

Section61.A money bill may be submitted by the Council of Ministers or by Members of the National Assembly upon confirmation by the Prime Minister.

A money bill refers to a bill which deals with all or at least one of the following subjects, namely, the establishment, or repeal, or reduction, or alter-