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Issue 30, Volume 63
Royal Gazette

10 May 2489

a great many forms, and although it was true that the people had well appreciated the benefit of this regime of administration, the situations of the Nation had changed a good deal, and now came the time to rescind the transitory provisions existing in that Constitution and revise the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. The Prime Minister then brought the matter to confer and consult with the 2nd Type Members of the House of Representatives as well as the Party of the Promoters of the Request for the Granting of the Constitution.[1] After they had discussed and agreed with each other, the ministry of Nai Khuang Aphaiwong[2] introduced to the House of Representatives on the 19th day of July 2488 Buddhist Era[3] a motion for establishing a Select Committee to consider, research, and investigate as to how the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand ought to be revised so as to make it suit the situations of the Country and make the administration under the regime of democracy more perfectly successful.

The House of Representatives thus created a Select Committee to consider, research, and investigate about the Constitution as per the above suggestion. This Committee carried out its business throughout the tenures of the ministries of

  1. Referring to the Party which requested a constitution from King Prajadhipok in 1932.
  2. The 11th Cabinet of Thailand, led by Khuang Aphaiwong.
  3. 1945 CE.