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Volume 132, Number 64A
Page 2
Royal Gazette

15 July 2558

Section4.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), 2557 Buddhist Era, as paragraph 6 of section 19:

“As regards the taking of an oath of allegiance in the presence of the Monarch according to the Constitution or law, the Monarch may permit it to be done in the presence of the Heir to the Throne who has already attained majority or in the presence of a royal representative.”

Section5.The provisions of section 17 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), 2557 Buddhist Era, shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Section37.The Constitution Drafting Committee shall finish considering the amendment applications within sixty days from the day of completion of the time limit for the making of amendment applications according to section 36, paragraph 2. In this respect, the Constitution Drafting Committee may amend the draft constitution as it finds appropriate. In the event that the amendment applications contain a great number of issues which have to be considered or are likely to affect the structure of the draft constitution, and the Constitution Drafting Committee finds that it is unable to finish the consideration within the said time limit, the Constitution Drafting Committee may resolve to have the period of time for consideration of the amendment applications extended once, which must not be more than thirty days from the day on which the time limit for the consideration of the said amendment applications expires, and shall, prior to the completion of the time limit, also notify the National Reform Assembly of the resolution to extend the period of time, together with the reasons therefor.

Once the Constitution Drafting Committee has amended the draft constitution in accordance with paragraph 1, it shall introduce the draft constitution to the National Reform Assembly. Then the National Reform Assembly shall put it off for fifteen days from the day of its receipt of the draft constitution from the Constitution Drafting Committee. Upon expiry of this limit, the National Reform Assembly shall, within three days from the day of expiry of the said limit, meet to resolve whether it shall approve or disapprove the draft constitution in its entirety. In this respect, no amendment shall be made, except by the Constitution Drafting Committee and only upon discovery of an immaterial error which needs to be rectified for complete correctness.

Once the National Reform Assembly has resolved to approve the draft constitution according to paragraph 2, it shall notify the Cabinet thereof, and the Cabinet shall promptly notify the Election Commission thereof. Then it shall be the duty of the Election Commission to organise a referendum in accordance with the criteria, procedure, and time limits designated by an announcement of the Election Commission with the approval of the National Legislative Assembly and published in the Royal Gazette. In this respect, the parts of the Organic Act on Referendums, 2552 BE, which deal with offences and punishments, shall also apply to the conduct of the referendum according to this Constitution.

The referendum under this Constitution shall be organised for voting as to whether approval or disapproval should be given to the draft constitution in its entirety and must be held on the same day throughout the Kingdom. In this respect, the National Reform Assembly or National Legislative Assembly may resolve to introduce any other issue, not more than one per each Assembly, for which the Election Commission should organise a referendum on the same occasion.