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Volume 123, Number 95A
Page 14
Royal Gazette

20 September 2549

of the Council for Democratic Reform

Whereas it is clearly evident that the public administration of the State by the incumbent caretaker Government has created problems of dissension and polarisation which shattered the feelings of love and harmony amongst the people in the Nation in such a manner unpredictable in the history of the Thai Nation, causing various factions to aim at overcoming each other through a variety of methods of which the violence tends to increase day by day, making most of the people doubt and suspect that the public administration of the State might have been performed in a manner involving rampant dishonesty and misconduct, subjecting independent agencies and organisations to political influence to the point of being unable to answer the purposes prescribed in the Constitution of the Kingdom, leading various problems and obstacles to political activities, and on many occasions giving rise to possibilities of vilification against His Majesty the King, who is respected and glorified by all Thais, and despite continuous attempts from many sectors in the society to settle and resolve the situations, the efforts to end the conflictful situations have ended in failure; therefore, the Council for Democratic Reform, which consists of the Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Commissioner General of the Royal Thai Police Agency,[1] is required to seize the administrative power of the State from now on. The Council for Democratic Reform hereby affirms that it has no intention to become the administrator of the State itself but it will return the administrative power under the democratic system with a Monarch as Head [of State] to all Thais as soon as possible. All this is for maintaining and preserving tranquillity and security of the Nation, as well as for glorifying the royalty, an institution highly respected by all Thais.

Announced on the 19th day of September 2549 Buddhist Era at 23:50 hours
General Sonthi Boonyaratglin
Chief of the Council for Democratic Reform

  1. Error for “Commissioner General of the Royal Thai Police”. (Wikisource contributor note)