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fallen out of their proper place, and have come into an unsuitable position after 1Ch 6:63. The plurals יקראוּ and שׁמות, instead of the singulars יקרא and שׁם, as in Jos 21:9, bring the words into more manifest correspondence with the circumstances, since the subject of יקראוּ, “the sons of Israel,” may be easily supplied from 1Ch 6:53, and many names of cities are mentioned. The masc. אתהם instead of the fem. אתהן is probably only an oversight. With 1Ch 6:66 begins the enumeration of the cities of the other Levitic families only summarily given in 1Ch 6:61, which forms a very suitable continuation of 1Ch 6:63.

Verses 66-70

1Ch 6:66-70 (Hebrew_Bible_6:51-55). The cities of the remaining Kohathites; cf. Jos 21:20-26. For וּממּשׁפּחות we must read וּלמשׁפּחות, for the preposition מן gives no suitable sense: it is never used to introduce a subject. The sense is, “as regards the families of the sons of Kohath, the cities of their dominion in the tribe of Ephraim were (the following). They gave them.” The plur. המּקלט ערי instead of the sing., as in 1Ch 6:57. As to the four cities of the tribe of Ephraim, 1Ch 6:52, 1Ch 6:53, see on Jos 21:21-22, where instead of יקמעם we find the name קבצים. Before 1Ch 6:54 a whole verse has been lost, which was as follows: “And of the tribe of Dan, Eltekeh and her pastures, Gibbethon and her pastures;” cf. Jos 21:23. Then follows 1Ch 6:69, which contains the names of the two other cities of the tribe of Dan. In 1Ch 6:70 we have the names of the cities of half Manasseh, Aner and Bileam, i.e., Ibleam (Jos 17:11), correctly given; but the names Taanach and Gath-rimmon in Jos 21:25 are incorrect, and have been inserted through a transcriber's error, arising from the copyist's eye having wandered to the preceding verse. The singular למשׁפּחת, 1Ch 6:70, is incorrect; and the plural למשׁפּחות is to be substituted (as in 1Ch 6:66). The words וגו לבני למשׁפּחות are a subscription, which corresponds to להם ויּתּנוּ in 1Ch 6:67.

Verses 71-76

1Ch 6:71-76 (Hebrew_Bible_6:56-61). The cities of the Gershonites; cf. Jos 21:27-33. “To the sons of Gershon (they gave) out of the family of the half-tribe of Manasseh, Golan and Ashtaroth;” see on Jos 21:27. In 1Ch 6:72, קדשׁ is a mistake for קשׁיון, Jos 21:28 (see on Jos 19:20); in 1Ch 6:73, ראמות for the more correct ירמות, Jos 21:29, a city which was also called רמת, Jos 19:21, or had been so called originally; and ענם for עין־גּנּים (Josh.), as the city is called also in Jos 19:21. It cannot be determined whether ענם is a transcriber's error, or another name for עין־גּנּים. In 1Ch 6:74, משׁל (which should perhaps