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courses unpunished; and swiftly and easily, without punishment overtaking them, or being able to overtake them, Sheôl snatches them away, as heat does the melted snow; even God himself preserves the oppressors long in the midst of extreme danger, and after a long life, free from care and laden with honour, permits them to die a natural death, as a ripe ear of corn is cut off. Bold in the certainty of the truth of his assertion, Job meets the friends: if it is not so, who will convict me as a liar?! What answer will they give? They cannot long disown the mystery, for experience outstrips them. Will they therefore solve it? They might, had they but the key of the future state to do it with! But neither they nor Job were in possession of that, and we shall therefore see how the mystery, without a knowledge of the future state, struggled through towards solution; or even if this were impossible, how the doubts which it excites are changed to faith, and so are conquered.

Chap. 25

Verses 1-6

Job 25:1-6 1 Then began Bildad the Shuhite, and said: 2 Dominion and terror are with Him,
He maketh peace in His high places. 3 Is there any number to His armies,
And whom doth not His light surpass? 4 How could a mortal be just with God,
And how could one born of woman be pure? 5 Behold, even the moon, it shineth not brightly,
And the stars are not pure in His eyes. 6 How much less mortal man, a worm,
And the son of man, a worm!Ultimum hocce classicum, observes Schultens, quod a parte