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men enumerated by name performed in the wars which David waged against his enemies in order to maintain and increase his kingly power. יהוה דּבר יהוה .rewop concerning Israel is the word of the Lord, the import of which is recorded in 1Ch 11:3, that David should feed His people Israel, and be ruler over them. The ipsissima verba are not found in the earlier history of David, but the substance of them has been deduced from 1Sa 16:13 and 1Sa 15:28; cf. herewith the remarks on 2Sa 3:18. The enumeration of these heroes is introduced in 1Ch 11:11 by a short supplementary superscription, “these the number of the heroes.” That מספּר should be used instead of the שׁמות of Samuel is surprising, but is explained by the fact that these heroes at first constituted a corps whose designation was derived from their number. They originally amounted to thirty, whence they are still called the thirty, השּׁלשׁים; cf. 1Ch 11:12, and the discussion on 2Sa 23:8. In both narratives three classes are distinguished.
Jashobeam, Eleazar, and Shammah hold the first place, and specially bold and heroic deeds performed by them are recorded, 1Ch 11:11-14, and 2Sa 23:8-12. For details as to themselves and their deeds, see on the last cited passage. There we have already remarked, that in 1Ch 11:13 of the text of the Chronicle, the three lines which in Samuel come between שׁם נאספוּ בּפּלשׁתּים (2Sa 23:9) and פלשׁתּים ויּעספוּ, 1Ch 11:11, have been, through wandering of the copyist's eye, omitted; and with them the name of the third hero, שׁמּה, has also been dropped, so that the heroic deed done by him, 1Ch 11:13, 1Ch 11:14, appears, according to our present text, to have been performed by Eleazar. In place of the words, “And the Philistines had gathered themselves together there to battle, and there was a parcel of ground full of barley,” 1Ch 11:13, the text, according to the narrative in 2Sa 23:11, must have stood originally thus: “The Philistines had gathered themselves together there to battle, and the men of Israel went up (sc., retreating from the Philistines up the mountain); he, however, stood firm, and smote the Philistines till his hand was wearied, and cleaved unto the sword (i.e., clung crampedly to his sword through fatigue): there wrought Jahve a great deliverance on that day, and the people returned (from their flight) behind him only to spoil. And after him was Shammah the son of Aga the Hararite, and the Philistines had gathered themselves together to battle,” etc. In 1Ch 11:14 the plural forms יתיצּבוּ, ויּצּילוּה, ויּכּוּ, are incorrect, and should be changed