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thirty heroes;” and Bertheau accordingly recommends the emendation השּׁלשׁים על, and thence concludes that the tribe of Reuben had thirty leaders in its army-a conjecture as bold as it is improbable. Were השּׁלשׁים על to be read, we could not but refer the words to the thirty heroes of 1Ch 11:11, and hold Adina to be their leader, which could not be easily reconciled with 1Ch 11:11. See on 1Ch 12:4. 1Ch11:43 בּן־מעכה is perhaps the same as המּעכתי,   2Sa 23:34.

Verses 44-45

1Ch 11:44-45 העשׁתּרתי, he of the city Ashtaroth (1Ch 6:56), in the trans-Jordanic domain of Manasseh. הערערי, he of Aroer, or Reuben or Gad (Jos 13:16, Jos 13:25).

Verse 46

Bertheau conjectures that the somewhat strange המּחוים (lxx ὁ Μαωί, Vulg. Mahumites) denotes המּחנימי, he of Mahanaim, in the East-Jordan land; see Jos 13:26.

Verse 47

1Ch 11:47 המּצביה, which, so far as the form is concerned, is not a nomen gentil., Reland (Palaest. ill. p. 899) holds for a contraction of צבעויא מגדל, Migdal Zebujah-a place which, according to the rabbins, is said to have been somewhere in the neighbourhood of Hebron. Bertheau's opinion is, that the article has come into the text by mistake; and when it has been struck out, the remaining consonants, מצביה, recall the מצּבה of 2Sa 23:36 (?). Registers of the Valiant Men Who Helped David to the Kingdom - 1 Chronicles 12
This chapter contains two somewhat long registers, viz.: (1) a register of the valiant men who before Saul's death went over to David, vv. 1-22; and (2) a register of the fighting men who anointed him king in Hebron. The first is divided into three smaller registers: (a) that of the valiant Benjamites who came to David during his stay in Ziklag (1Ch 12:1-7); (b) that of the Gadites and the men of Judah and Benjamin who went over to him while he remained in the mountain fastnesses; and (c) that of the Manassites who, on his return to Ziklag before Saul's last battle with the Philistines, joined themselves to him (1Ch 12:19-22).

Chap. 12

Verse 1

1Ch 12:1The Benjamites who came to David to Ziklag. - 1Ch 12:1. Ziklag was originally allotted to the Simeonites by Joshua (Jos 19:5; 1Ch 4:30), but at a later time came into possession of the Philistines, and was assigned and presented by king Achish to David, who had fled for refuge to him, as a dwelling-place for himself and his followers; see [[Bible_(King_James)/1_Samuel|1Sa 27: