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in the solemn march.

Verses 4-10

From among assembled Israel David then specially gathered together the heads of the priests and Levites, to determine upon the details of this solemn procession. “The sons of Aaron” are the high priests Zadok and Abiathar, 1Ch 15:11; and the “Levites” are the six princes named in 1Ch 15:5-10, with their brethren, viz., (1Ch 15:5-7) the three heads of the families into which the tribe of Levi was divided, and which corresponded to the three sons of Levi, Gershon, Kohath, and Merari, respectively (Exo 6:16): Uriel head of the Kohathites, Asaiah of the Merarites, and Joel head of the Gershonites, with their brethren. Kohath is first enumerated, because Aaron the chief of the priests was descended from Kohath, and because to the Kohathites there fell, on account of their nearer relationship to the priests, the duty of serving in that which is most holy, the bearing of the holiest vessels of the tabernacle. See Num 4:4, Num 4:15; Num 7:9; as to Uriel, see on Num 6:24; for Asaiah, see 6:30; and as to Joel, see 1Ch 6:33. Then in 1Ch 15:8, 1Ch 15:9 we have the heads of three other Kohathite families: Shemaiah, chief of the sons of Elizaphan, i.e., Elizaphan son of the Kohathite Uzziel (Exo 6:22); Eliel, chief of the sons of Hebron the Kohathite (Exo 6:18); and Amminadab, chief of the sons of Uzziel. The sons of Uzziel, consequently, were divided into two fathers'-houses: the one founded by Uzziel's son Elizaphan, and named after him (1Ch 15:8); the other founded by his other sons, and called by his name. Of the fathers'-houses here enumerated, four belong to Kohath, and one each to Merari and Gershon; and the Kohathites were called to take part in the solemn act in greater numbers than the Merarites and Gershonites, since the transport of the ark was the Kohathites' special duty.

Verses 11-12

Zadok of the line of Eleazar (1Ch 6:1-15), and Abiathar of the line of Ithamar, were the heads of the two priestly lines, and at that time both held the office of high priest (1Ch 24:3; cf. 2Sa 15:24., 2Sa 20:25). These priests and the six princes of the Levites just enumerated were charged by David to consecrate themselves with their brethren, and to bring up the ark of God to the place prepared for it. התקדּשׁ, to consecrate oneself by removal of all that is unclean, washing of the body and of the clothes (Gen 35:2), and careful keeping aloof from every defilement, avoiding coition and the touching of unclean things; cf. Exo 19:10, Exo 19:15. לו אל־כינותי, to (the place) which I have prepared for it. לו הכינותי is a relative clause with אשׁר, construed with a