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which every Israelite might wear, but it was worn usually only by persons of rank and distinction (cf. 1Sa 2:19; 1Sa 15:27; 1Sa 18:4; 1Sa 24:5; Ezr 9:3; Job 29:14), and white byssus was the material for the priests' garments. Among the articles of clothing which the law prescribed for the official dress of the simple priest (Exo 28:40) the מעיל was not included, but only the כּתונת, a tight close-fitting coat; but the priests were not thereby prevented from wearing a me‛il of byssus on special festive occasions, and we are informed in 2Ch 5:12 that even the Levites and singers were on such occasions clad in byssus. In this way the statement of our verse, that David and all the Levites and bearers of the ark, the singers, and the captain Chenaniah, had put on me‛ilim of byssus, is justified and shown to be in accordance with the circumstances. The words therefore are to be so understood. The words from וכל־הלויּם to המּשּׂא השּׂר are co-ordinate with ודויד, and may translate the verse thus: “David was clothed in a me‛il of byssus, as also were all the Levites,” etc. No objection can be taken to the המּשּׂא השּׂר when we have the article with a nomen regens, for cases of this kind frequently occur where the article, as here, has a strong retrospective force; cf. Ew. §290, d. On the contrary, המּשׁררים after המּשּׂא is meaningless, and can only have come into the text, like בּן in 1Ch 15:18, by an error of the transcriber, although it was so read as early as the time of the lxx. For the last clause, cf. 2Sa 6:14.

Verse 28

1Ch 15:28 1Ch 15:28 is, as compared with 2Sa 6:5, somewhat enlarged by the enumeration of the individual instruments.

Verse 29

1Ch 15:29 1Ch 16:29 and 1Ch 16:1-3 agree in substance with 2Sa 6:15-19, only some few words being explained: e.g., וּמשׂחק מרקּד, 1Ch 15:29, instead of וּמכרכּר מפזּז (Sam.), and יהוה בּרית ארון instead of והוה ערון (Sam.); see the commentary on 2 Sam. l.c.

Chap. 16

Verses 1-3

1Ch 16:1-3The religious festival, and the arrangement of the sacred service before the ark of the covenant in the city of David. - This section is not found in 2nd Samuel, where the Conclusion of this whole description (1Ch 16:43, Chron.) follows immediately upon the feasting of the people by the king, 1Ch 16:19 and 1Ch 16:20.

Verses 4-6

When the solemnity of the transfer of the ark, the sacrificial meal, and the dismissal of the people with a blessing, and a distribution of food, were ended, David set in order the service of the Levites in the holy tent on Zion. He appointed before the ark, from among the Levites, servants to