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founder of the liturgical psalmody, he, as a richly endowed psalm-singer, would doubtless compose the necessary liturgical psalms. These considerations render it very probable that the following psalm was a hymn composed by David for the liturgical song in the public worship. The psalm is as follows: -   8  Give thanks unto Jahve; preach His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples:   9  Sing to Him, play to Him;
Meditate upon all His wondrous works. 10  Glory ye in His holy name:
Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. 11  Seek ye the Lord, and His strength;
Seek His face continually. 12  Remember His wonders which He has done;
His wondrous works, and the judgments of His mouth; 13  O seed of Israel, His servants,
Sons of Jacob, His chosen. 14  He, Jahve, is our God;
His judgments go forth over all the earth. 15  Remember eternally His covenant,
The word which He commanded to a thousand generations: 16  Which He made with Abraham,
And His oath to Isaac; 17  And caused it to stand to Jacob for a law,
To Israel as an everlasting covenant; 18  Saying, “To thee I give the land Canaan,
As the heritage meted out to you.” 19  When ye were still a people to be numbered,
Very few, and strangers therein, 20  And they wandered from nation to nation,
From one kingdom to another people, 21 He suffered no man to oppress them,
And reproved kings for their sake: 22  “Touch not mine anointed ones,
And do my prophets no harm.” 23  Sing unto Jahve, all the lands;
Show forth from day to day His salvation. 24  Declare His glory among the heathen,
Among all people His wondrous works. 25  For great is Jahve, and greatly to be praised;
And to be feared is He above all the gods. 26  For all the gods of the people are idols;
And Jahve has made the heavens. 27  Majesty and splendour is before Him;
Strength and joy are in His place.