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Brass and iron were not weighed for abundance; cf. 1Ch 22:3. Beams of timber also, and stones - that is, stones hewed and squared - David had prepared; and to this store Solomon was to add. That he did so is narrated in 2 Chr. 2.

Verses 15-16

David then turns to the workmen, the carpenters and stone-cutters, whom he had appointed (1Ch 22:2) for the building. חצבים, properly hewers, in 1Ch 22:2 limited to stone-hewers, is here, with the addition ועץ אבן חרשׁי, used of the workers in stone and wood, stonemasons and carpenters. כּל־חכם, all manner of understanding persons in each work, in contradistinction to מלעכה עשׁי, includes the idea of thorough mastery and skill in the kind of labour. These workmen, whom David had levied for the building of the temple, are mentioned by Solomon, 2Ch 2:6. - In 1Ch 22:16 all the metals, as being the main thing, are again grouped together, in order that the exhortation to proceed with the erection of the