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according to 1Ch 6:33-38, a descendant of Kohath, and Jeduthun (= Ethan) a descendant of Merari (1Ch 6:44-47), all the chief families of Levi had representatives among the singers. The Kethibh הנביאים is an orthographical error for הנּבּאים (Keri), partic. Niph., corresponding to the singular הנּבּא, 1Ch 25:2 and 1Ch 25:3. נּבּא, prophetare, is here used in its wider signification of the singing and playing to the praise of God performed in the power of the Divine Spirit. In reference to the instruments of these chief musicians, cf. 1Ch 15:16. The suffix in מספּרם refers to the following noun, which is subordinated to the word מספּר as genitive; cf. the similar construction עצל נפשׁו, his, the sluggard's, soul, Pro 13:4, and Ew. §309, e. “Their number (the number) of the workmen for the service, i.e., of those who performed the work of the service, was (as follows).”

Verses 2-3

With אסף לבני the enumeration beings: “Of Asaph's sons were, or to Asaph's sons belonged, Zacchur,” etc. Four are here named, but the number is not stated, while it is given in the case of the sons of Jeduthun and Heman, 1Ch 25:3 and 1Ch 25:5. על־יד, at the hand, alternates with על־ידי (1Ch 25:3 and 1Ch 25:6), and אסף יד על does not of itself express a different relationship to Asaph than that expressed by המּלך ידי על with reference to the king. It signifies only “under (according to) the direction of;” and in 1Ch 25:6 the king, Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman are co-ordinated, inasmuch as the musical part of the worship was arranged by David and the three chief musicians in common, although only the latter were concerned in its performance. In 1Ch 25:3 לידוּתוּן is placed at the beginning, because the choir of singers led by him bore his name; and so also in the case of Heman, 1Ch 25:4. “As to Jeduthun, were sons of Jeduthun.” The word sons in these catalogues denotes not merely actual sons, but those intellectually sons, i.e., scholars taught by the master. This is clear from the fact that the twenty-four classes, each of which numbered twelve men, consist of sons and brothers of the leaders. The names given as those of the sons of Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman, in 1Ch 25:2-5, do not represent the whole number of the scholars of these masters, but only the presidents of the twenty-four classes of Levites who were engaged under their leadership in performing the sacred music. Only five sons of Jeduthun are named in our text, while according to the number given there should be six. A comparison of the names in vv. 9-31 shows that in 1Ch 25:3 the name שׁמעי (1Ch 25:17) has been dropped out. בּכּנּור belongs to ידוּתוּן: under the direction of their father