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promised) to increase Israel like to the stars of heaven” (Gen 22:17), which cannot mean: For it was impossible for David to number all, because they were as numerous as the stars of heaven, which of course cannot be numbered (Berth.). The thought is rather that David never intended to number the whole people from the youngest to the eldest, for he did not desire in fidem divinarum promissionum inquirere aut eam labefactare (J. H. Mich.); and he accordingly caused only the men capable of bearing arms to be numbered, in order to organize the military constitution of the kingdom in the manner recorded in 1Ch 27:2-15. But even this numbering which Joab had begun was not completed, because wrath came on Israel because of it, as is narrated in 1 Chron 21. For this reason also the number, i.e., the result of the numbering begun by Joab, but not completed, is not included in the number of the chronicle of King David, i.e., in the official number which was usually inserted in the public annals. בּמספּר neither stands for בּספר (according to 2Ch 20:34), nor does it denote, “in the section which treats of the numberings” (Berth.). היּמים דּברי is a shorter expression for h' דּברי ספר, book of the events of the day.

Verses 25-26

1Ch 27:25-26The managers of David's possessions and domains. - The property and the income of the king were (1Ch 27:25) divided into treasures of the king, and treasures in the country, in the cities, the villages, and the castles. By the “treasures of the king” we must therefore understand those which were in Jerusalem, i.e., the treasures of the royal palace. These were managed by Azmaveth. The remaining treasures are specified in 1Ch 27:26. They consisted in fields which were cultivated by labourers (1Ch 27:26); in vineyards (1Ch 27:27); plantations of olive trees and sycamores in the Shephelah, the fruitful plain on the Mediterranean Sea (1Ch 27:28); in cattle, which pastured partly in the plain of Sharon between Caesarea Palestina and Joppa, partly in various valleys of the country (1Ch 27:29); and in camels, asses, and sheep (1Ch 27:30.). All these possessions are called רכוּשׁ, and the overseers of them הרכוּשׁ שׂרי. They consisted in the produce of agriculture and cattle-breeding, the two main branches of Israelitish industry.

Verse 27

Special officers were set over the vineyards and the stores of wine. The שׁ in שׁבּכּרמים is a contraction of אשׁר: “over that which was in the vineyards of treasures (stores) of wine.” The officer over the vineyards, Shimei, was of Ramah in Benjamin (cf. Jos 18:25); he who