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hewers of wood). The word מכּות gives no suitable sense; for “wheat of the strokes,” for threshed wheat, would be a very extraordinary expression, even apart from the facts that wheat, which is always reckoned by measure, is as a matter of course supposed to be threshed, and that no such addition is made use of with the barley. מכּות is probably only an orthographical error for מכּלת, food, as may be seen from 1Ki 5:11.

Verses 11-16

2Ch 2:11-16The answer of King Hiram; cf. 1Ki 5:7-11. - Hiram answered בּכתב, in a writing, a letter, which he sent to Solomon. In 1Ki 5:7 Hiram first expresses his joy at Solomon's request, because it was of importance to him to be on a friendly footing with the king of Israel. In the Chronicle his writing begins with the congratulation: because Jahve loveth His people, hath He made thee king over them. Cf. for the expression, 2Ch 9:8 and 1Ki 10:9. He then, according to both narratives, praises God that He has given David so wise a son. ויּאמר, 2Ch 2:12, means: then he said further. The praise of God is heightened in the Chronicle by Hiram's entering into Solomon's religious ideas, calling Jahve the Creator of heaven and earth. Then, further, חכם בּן is strengthened by וּבינה שׂכל יודע, having understanding and discernment; and this predicate is specially referred to Solomon's resolve to build a temple to the Lord. Then in 2Ch 2:13. he promises to send Solomon the artificer Huram-Abi. On the title אבי, my father, i.e., minister, counsellor, and the descent of this man, cf. the commentary on 1Ki 7:13-14. In 2Ch 2:14 of the Chronicle his artistic skill is described in terms coinciding with Solomon's wish in 2Ch 2:6, only heightened by small additions. To the metals as materials in which he could work, there are added stone and wood work, and to the woven fabrics בּוּץ (byssus), the later word for שׁשׁ; and finally, to exhaust the whole, he is said to be able כּל־מח ולחשׁב, to devise all manner of devices which shall be put to him, as in Exo 31:4, he being thus raised to the level of Bezaleel, the chief artificer of the tabernacle. עם־חכמיך is dependent upon לעשׂות, as in 2Ch 2:6. The promise to send cedars and cypresses is for the sake of brevity here omitted, and only indirectly indicated in 2Ch 2:16. In 2Ch 2:15, however, it is mentioned that Hiram accepted the promised supply of grain, wine, and oil for the labourers; and 2Ch 2:16 closes with the promise to fell the wood required in Lebanon, and to cause it to be sent in floats to Joppa (Jaffa), whence Solomon could take it up