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Verses 2-3

The first part of the celebration was the transfer of the ark from Mount Zion to the temple (2Ch 5:2-14), and in connection with this we have the words in which Solomon celebrates the entry of the Lord into the new temple (2Ch 6:1-11). This section has been already commented on in the remarks on 1 Kings 8:1-21, and we have here, consequently, only to set down briefly those discrepancies between our account and that other, which have any influence upon the meaning. - In 2Ch 5:3 the name of the month, האתנים בּירח (1Ki 8:2), with which the supplementary clause, “that is the seventh month,” is there connected, is omitted, so that we must either change החדשׁ into בּחרשׁ, or supply the name of the month; for the festival is not the seventh month, but was held in that month.

Verses 4-9

Instead of הלויּם, we have in 2 Kings הכּהנים, the priests bare the ark; and since even according to the Chronicle (2Ch 5:7) the priests bare the ark into the holy place, we must understand by הלויּם such Levites were also priests. - In 2Ch 5:5, too the words הלויּם הכּהנים are inexact, and are to be corrected by 1Ki 8:4, והלויּם הכּהנים. For even if the Levitic priests bare the ark and the sacred utensils of the tabernacle into the temple, yet the tabernacle itself (the planks, hangings, and coverings of it) was borne into the temple, to be preserved as a holy relic, not by priests, but only by Levites. The conj. ו before הלוים has probably been omitted only by a copyist, who was thinking of הלוים הכהנים (Jos 3:3; Deu 17:9, Deu 17:18, etc.). - In 2Ch 5:8 ויכסּוּ is an orthographical error for ויּסכּוּ,   1Ki 8:7; cf. 1Ch 28:18; Exo 25:20. - In 2Ch 5:9, too, מן־הארון has probably come into our text only by a copyist's mistake instead of מן־הקּדשׁ   (1Ki 8:8).

Verse 10

2Ch 5:10 נתן אשׁר, who had