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in his showing all his treasures to the Babylonian embassy, in idle trust in them and in the resources at his command (cf. 2Ki 20:12-15; Isa 39:1-4). “And there was wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerusalem,” which participated in the king's sentiments (cf. 2Ch 19:10; 1Ch 27:24). Isaiah proclaimed this wrath to him in the prophecy that all the treasures of the king would be carried away to Babylon, and that some of his sons should become courtiers of the king of Babylon (2Ki 20:16-18; Isa 39:5-7), to which we should perhaps also reckon the threatening prophecy in Mic 3:12.

Verse 26

Then Hezekiah humbled himself in his pride, and the wrath came not upon them in the days of Hezekiah (cf. Isa 39:8). The threatened judgment was postponed because of this humiliation, and broke over the royal house and the whole kingdom only at a later time in the Chaldean invasion.

Verse 27

2Ch 32:27Hezekiah's riches; concluding estimate of his reign; his death and burial. - 2Ch 32:27. Like Jehoshaphat (2Ch 17:5; 2Ch 18:1), Solomon (2Ch 1:12), and David (1Ch 29:28), Hezekiah attained to riches and glory, and made unto himself treasure-chambers for silver, gold, precious stones, and spices, shields, and all manner of splendid furniture. The מגנּים are named instead of weapons in general. The collection of them brings to recollection the כּליו בּית   (2Ki 20:13 and Isa 39:2).

Verse 28

Storehouses also (magazines) for the agricultural produce, and stalls for all manner of cattle, and stalls for the herds, like David (1Ch 27:25.) and Uzziah (2Ch 26:10). מסכּנות is a transposition of מכנסות, storehouses, from כּנס, to heap up. “Cattle and cattle” = all kinds of cattle. ארות, synonymous with אריות   (2Ch 9:5), stables or stalls for cattle. The word אורות, which occurs only here, must have the same signification, and be held to be a transposed form of that word.

Verse 29

And cities (?) made (procured) he for himself. ערים cannot in this connection denote the usual cities; it must mean either watch-towers (from עוּר, to watch) or dwelling-places for herds and cattle, since עיר, according to 2Ki 17:9, is used of any enclosed place, from a watch-tower to a fenced city. רכוּשׁ, as in 2Ch 31:3, of possessions in herds.

Verse 30

The same Hezekiah covered the upper outlet of the water Gihon, and brought it down westwards to the city of David, i.e., by a subterranean channel into the city of David (see on 2Ch 32:3). The form ויישׁרם is Piel ויישּׁרם; the Keri is the same conjug., only contracted into ויּשּׁרם, as ויּבּשׁ for וייבּשׁ, the ו