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These numbers he arrives at by omitting Nimrod, or not enumerating him among the sons of Ham; while, on the contrary, he takes Arphaxad, Shelah, Eber, Peleg, and Joktan, all of which are the names of persons, for names of people, in contradiction to Genesis, according to which the five names indicate persons, viz., the tribal ancestors of the Terahites and Joktanites, peoples descended from Eber by Peleg and Joktan.

Verses 24-27

1Ch 1:24-27The patriarchs from Shem to Abraham. - The names of these, again, are simply ranged in order according to Gen 11:10-26, while the record of their ages before the begetting and after the birth of sons is omitted. Of the sons of Terah only Abram is named, without his brothers; with the remark that Abram is Abraham, in order to point out to the reader that he was the progenitor of the chosen people so well known from Genesis (cf. 1Ch 1:27).

Verse 28

1Ch 1:28The sons of Abraham. - In 1Ch 1:28 only Isaac and Ishmael are so called; Isaac first, as the son of the promise. Then, in 1Ch 1:29-31, follow the posterity of Ishmael, with the remark that Ishmael was the first-born; in 1Ch 1:32 and 1Ch 1:33, the sons of Keturah; and finally in 1Ch 1:34, the two sons of Isaac.

Verses 29-33

The names of the generations (תּולדות) of Ishmael (Hebr. Yishma'el) correspond to those in Gen 25:12-15, and have been there explained. In 1Ch 1:32. also, the names of the thirteen descendants of Abraham by Keturah, six sons and seven grandsons, agree with Gen 25:1-4 (see commentary on that passage); only the tribes mentioned in Gen 25:3, which were descended from Dedan the grandson of Keturah, are omitted. From this Bertheau wrongly concludes that the chronicler probably did not find these names in his copy of the Pentateuch. The reason of the omission is rather this, that in Genesis the great-grandchildren are not themselves mentioned, but only the tribes descended from the grandchildren, while the chronicler wished to enumerate only the sons and grandsons. Keturah is called פּילגשׁ after Gen 25:6, where Keturah and Hagar are so named.

Verse 34

The two sons of Isaac. Isaac has been already mentioned as a son of Abram, along with Ishmael, in 1Ch 1:28. But here the continuation of the genealogy of Abraham is prefaced by the remark that Abraham begat Isaac, just as in Gen 25:19, where the begetting of Isaac the son of Abraham is introduced with the same remark. Hence the supposition that the registers of the posterity of Abraham by Hagar and Keturah ([[Bible_(King_James)/1_Chronicles|1Ch 1: