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hostile the one to the other, is not to be brought about by reporting to the one what is the other's opinion of him. Finally, Nehemiah mentions also that Tobiah also sent letters to put him in fear (יראני, infin. Piel, like 2Ch 32:18; comp. the participle above, Neh 6:9 and Neh 6:14). The letters were probably of similar contents with the letter of Sanballat given in Neh 6:6.

Chap. 7

Verse 1

II. Nehemiah's Further Exertions in Behalf of the Community - Neh 7:1

The building of the wall being now concluded, Nehemiah first made arrangements for securing the city against hostile attacks (Neh 7:1-3); then took measures to increase the inhabitants of Jerusalem (7:4-73 and Neh 11:1 and Neh 11:2); and finally endeavoured to fashion domestic and civil life according to the precepts of the law (Neh 8-10), ), and, on the occasion of the solemn dedication of the wall, to set in order the services of the Levites (Neh 12).The watching of the city provided for. -
Neh 7:1
When the wall was built, Nehemiah set up the doors in the gates, to complete the fortification of Jerusalem (comp. Neh 6:1). Then were the gatekeepers, the singers, and the Levites entrusted with the care (הפּקד, praefici; comp. Neh 12:14). The care of watching the walls and gates is meant in this connection. According to ancient appointment, it was the duty of the doorkeepers to keep watch over the house of God, and to open and close the gates of the temple courts; comp. 1Ch 9:17-19; 1Ch 26:12-19. The singers and the Levites appointed to assist the priests, on the contrary,