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further statement: they covered Haman's face. The subject is indefinite: the attendants present. To cover the face was indeed to begin to carry the sentence of death into execution. With respect to this custom, expositors appeal to Curtius, vi. 8. 22: Philetam - capite velato in regiam adducunt; and Cicero, pro C. Rabirio iv. 13: I lictor, colliga manus, caput obnubito, arbori infelici suspendito.

Verses 9-10

Then said Harbonah (already mentioned Est 1:10), one of the eunuchs before the king, i.e., who held office before the king: “Behold also the tree which Haman made (comp. Est 5:14) stands in the house of Haman.” גּם points to the fact that the other eunuchs had already brought forward various particulars concerning Haman's crime. Mordochai, who had spoken good for the king, viz., when he gave information of the conspiracy, Est 2:22; Est 6:2. On this tree the king ordered that Haman should be hanged, and this sentence was executed without delay. - “And the king's wrath was pacified.” With this remark the narrative of this occurrence is closed, and the history pursues its further course as follows. Mordochai Advanced to Haman's Position. Counter-Edict for the Preservation of Jews - Esther 8
The king bestowed the house of Haman on Esther, and advanced Mordochai to Haman's place of prime minister (vv. 1 and 2). Esther then earnestly besought the king for the abolition of the edict published by Haman against the Jews, and the king permitted her and Mordochai to send letters in the king's name to all the Jews in his kingdom, commanding them to stand for their life, and to slay their enemies, on the day appointed for their own extermination (Est 8:3-14). These measures diffused great joy throughout the kingdom (Est 8:15-17).

Chap. 8

Verse 1

By the execution of Haman, his property was confiscated, and the king decreed that the house of the Jews' enemy should be given to Esther. The “house of Haman” undoubtedly means the house with all that pertained to it. “And Mordochai came before the king, for Esther had