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13]], 2Ch 29:31. That kind of shelamı̂m is thus called which is presented על־תודה, i.e., as thankful praise for divine benefits received, more particularly marvellous protection and deliverance (vid., Ps 107).

Verses 1-3

The call in Psa 100:1 sounds like Psa 98:4; Psa 66:1. כּל־הארץ are all lands, or rather all men belonging to the earth's population. The first verse, without any parallelism and in so far monostichic, is like the signal for a blowing of the trumpets. Instead of “serve Jahve with gladness (בּשׂמחה),” it is expressed in Psa 2:11, “serve Jahve with fear (בּיראה).” Fear and joy do not exclude one another. Fear becomes the exalted Lord, and the holy gravity of His requirements; joy becomes the gracious Lord, and His blessed service. The summons to manifest this joy in a religious, festive manner springs up out of an all-hopeful, world-embracing love, and this love is the spontaneous result of living faith in the promise that all tribes of the earth shall be blessed in the seed of Abraham, and in the prophecies in which this promise is unfolded. דּעוּ (as in Psa 4:4) Theodoret well interprets δι ̓ αὐτῶν μάθετε τῶν πραγμάτων. They are to know from facts of outward and inward experience that Jahve is God: He hath made us, and not we ourselves. Thus runs the Chethîb, which the lxx follows, αὐτὸς ἔποήσεν ἡμᾶς καὶ οὐχ ἡμεῖς (as also the Syriac and Vulgate); but Symmachus (like Rashi), contrary to all possibilities of language, renders αὐτὸς ἐποίησεν ἡμᾶς οὐκ ὄντας. Even the Midrash (Bereshith Rabba, ch. c. init.) finds in this confession the reverse of the arrogant words in the mouth of Pharaoh: “I myself have made myself” (Eze 29:3). The Kerî, on the other hand, reads לו,[1] which the Targum, Jerome, and Saadia follow and render: et ipsius nos sumus. Hengstenberg calls this Kerî quite unsuitable and bad; and Hupfeld, on the other hand, calls the Chethîb an “unspeakable insipidity.” But in reality both readings accord with the context, and it is clear that they are both in harmony

  1. According to the reckoning of the Masora, there are fifteen passages in the Old Testament in which לא is written and לו is read, viz., Exo 21:8; Lev 11:21; Lev 25:30; 1Sa 2:3; 2Sa 16:18; 2Ki 8:10; Isa 9:2; Isa 63:9; Psa 100:3; Psa 139:16; Job 13:15 cf. the note there, Psa 41:4; Pro 19:7; Pro 26:2; Ezr 4:2. Because doubtful, Isa 49:5; 1Ch 11:20 are not reckoned with these.