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softened from ‛awlātha - So the Kerî - with a transition from the aw , au into ô, is also found in Job 5:16 (cf. עלה = עולה Psa 58:3; Psa 64:7; Isa 61:8), and is certainly original in this Psalm, which also has many other points of coincidence with the Book of Job (like Ps 107, which, however, in Psa 107:42 transposes עלתה into עולה).

Psalm 93

The Royal Throne above the Sea of the Peoples

1 JAHVE now is King, He hath clothed Himself with majesty ; Jahve hath clothed Himself, He hath girded Himself with might : Therefore the world standeth fast without tottering. 2 Thy throne standeth fast from of old, From everlasting art Thou. 3 The floods have lifted up, Jahve, The floods have lifted up their roaring, The floods lift up their noise. 4 More than the rumblings of great waters, Of the glorious, of the breakers of the sea, Is Jahve glorious in the height. 5 Thy testimonies are inviolable, Holiness becometh Thy house, Jahve, unto length of days.
Side by side with those Psalms which behold in anticipation the Messianic future, whether it be prophetically or only typically, or typically and prophetically at the same time, as the kingship of Jahve's Anointed which overcomes and blesses the world, there are others in which the perfected theocracy as such is beheld beforehand, not, however, as an appearing (parusia) of a human king, but as the appearing of