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inclination to the bodie, mans natural perfection requireth the coniunction of bodie and soule. for neither soule nor bodie separated is a man, but both ioyned in one subsistence are a man, in so much that mankind should perish, except the bodies shal rise againe, and liue with the soules. And then shal the bodies be qualified according to the state of the soules, happie or miserable for euer.

Of Eternal life the translation of Enoch is a figure. For seeing God preserueth his corruptible bodie so long, from death and infirmitie, it is a token and manifest signe, that by the same powre of God, the bodies of men shal at last day, after that al men are once dead, rise againe, and remaine with the soules for euer. The good in Eternal ioy: the wicked in Eternal paine. Both signified by the custodie of the gate of Paradise by Angels; who for euer kepe out those, that are stil defiled with sinne, and so they depart into fire euerlasting, and admit the innocent and iust into the kingdome of heauen, which is euerlasting ioy and perfect felicitie.

Thus we see the face and briefe summe of Religion, in the beginning of the world, til the floud: and the state of the Church, which was alwayes Visible, consisting of men good and bad, with a continual Succession of Rulers, as wel spiritual as temporal. For the first borne were both Priestes and Princes in euerie familie. And amongst the same one euer chief of al. From which ranke Cain was excluded, or rather excluded him selfe, by Going forth from the face of our Lord. wherupon holie Moyses reciteth this Monarchical succession of one chiefe, and Supreme Head, from Adam by the line of Seth, Enos, Cainan, Malaleel, Iared, Enoch, Mathusala, Lamech, and Noe. Neuertheles he setteth downe also the progenie of Cain, the first beginner of a worldlie, schismatical, and heretical conuenticle, opposite to the Citie of God. He denied Gods prouidence (as Thargum Hierosolomitanum testifieth) protesting to Abel, That there was no Iustice nor Iudge, nor other world then this, no reward for vertue, nor punishment for sinne, and so desperatly he killed Abel. of these negatiue principles proceeded other like detestable opinions, and most wicked life, sauage and barbarous crueltie, and al kind of impietie. And in processe of time albeit manie remained in true faith, and vnitie of the Church, yet by conuersation with such miscreantes, especially by occasion of Mariages betwen the faithful and infidels, almost the whole world was corrupted in maners. But Noe was iust and perfect. In punishment therefore of so great and enormious sinnes, God sent the general floud, wherby al Cains progenie, and al other infidels were wholly destroyed and extinguished, and the true Church notably purged; onlie iust Noe and his familie reserued By whom the same true Church was continued, and the world againe replenished with men.