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God and euerie liuing soule of al flesh which is vpon the earth. 17And God said to Noe: This shal be the signe of the couenant, which I established, betwen me & al flesh of the earth. 18The sonnes therfore of Noe, that came out of the arke, were Sem, Cham, and Iaphet: and Cham he is the father of Chanaan. 19These three are the sonnes of Noe: and[1] of these was al mankind spred ouer the whole earth.

20And Noe a husbandman began to til the grounde, and planted a vineyard. 21And drinking of the wine was made drunke, and naked in his tabernacle. 22Which when Cham the father of Chanaan, had seene, to wit that his fathers priuities were bare, he told it to his two bretheren abroad. 23But in dede Sem and Iapheth put a cloake vpon their shoulders, and going backward, couered the priuities of their father: and their faces were turned away, and they sawe not their fathers priuities. 24And Noe awaking from the wine, when he had learned what his younger sonne had done to him, 25he said: Cursed be Chanaan, a seruant of seruantes shal he be vnto his bretheren. 26And he said: Blessed be the Lord God of Sem, Chanaan be his seruant. 27God enlarge Iapheth, and dwel he in the tabernacles of Sem, and Chanaan be his seruant. 28And Noe liued after the floud three hundred fiftie yeares. 29And al his dayes were in the whole nyne hundred fiftie yeares: and he died.


3. Al that moueth] S. Iustinus Martyr, S. Chrisostom, and other ancient Doctors proue, that flesh was lawful to be eaten before the floud: but being not necessarie, because men were stronger, and other things also of more force, the better sorte which were of Seths race abstained from it. But after the floud flesh being more necessarie, God altereth that custome of abstinence, with this limitation and commandment, that they shal not eate bloud.

4. Flesh with bloud] Though this positiue precept, of not eating bloud, serued wel to make men more abhorre manslaughter (which is forbid by the law of nature, and the reuenge therof here and in other places seuerly threatned) yet it was specially geuen both immediatly after the floud, and in the law of Moyses (with manie the like) to exercise men in obedience. And the same was renewed, for a time, by the Apostles, to appease a controuersie in the primitiue Church. For that the Iewes conuerted to Christ, hauing benne long accustomed to this obseruation, could not indure to see it broken, by them selues, or other Christians, and being no great burden, for the Gentiles,

  1. By this it is clere that Noe had no more children after the floud. S. Chrisost. ho. 29. in Gen.