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THE CONTINVANCE OF THE CHVRCH AND RELIGION, IN THE SECOND AGE OF THE WORLD. From Noes floud to Abrahams going forth of his countrie. The space of 368. yeares.

No man can wel doubt nor wil denie, that the same Church continued al the second age which was in the first, considering that Noe liued aboue 50. yeares after the birth of Abraham, and Sem 150. more: and that these three, and some others of that time are renowmed in holie Scripture, for sincere professors of true Religion. But for more manifestation of their faith, and that the Church was then very conspicuous, we shal repete certaine principal pointes of Religion professed and practised al that time, by a continual knowne visible companie vnited in one mystical bodie: though in the meane while, the wicked sprong and grew in number and worldlie force, much oppressing et neuer suppressing the good.

First iust Noe coming forth of the arke with his familie, professed his religious mind to One God almightie, supreme Lord of al, by Offering external voluntarie, speedie, pure, solemne, and bountiful Sacrifice of Holocaustes, as a Priest vpon an Altar. After which most gratful office, God making a couenant with him and his seede, neuer againe to destroy the world by water, confirmed the same by the signe of the rainbow, which represented the second Person of the B. Trinitie, the Sonne of God, Christ our Lord to be borne The Sonne of man, & extended vpon the Crosse: in whom Noe beleeuing was instituted heyre of the iustice, which is by faith in our Redemer.

We haue here againe Gods operatiue blessing, with the effect of increase and multiplication, the issue of Noe by his three sonnes, in short time making manie Nations. By the way also we haue an example of Fathers solemne Blessing and Cursing their children. The effectes wherof succeded afterwardes accordingly. Likwise in this age was geuen a particular precept Not to eate bloud. And Noe obserued distinction of Cleane beastes, offering Sacrifice in them only, as before the floud, he was commanded to take moe of them into the arke, then of the Vncleane.

In that so ample mention is made of sinne and wickednes, there is no doubt, but Noe, the preacher of iustice, admonished and exhorted sinners to Repentance: yea he Punished Cham & Chanaan, by his curse in their posteritie. And God him selfe Threatned to exacte the bloud of man vniustly shed. In the meane time Inflicted also some punishment vpon the builders of Babel, by confounding their tongues. And that by the Ministerie of Angels.

Which punishment in part, and threates of more importe a General