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which is the Church, which he hath purchafed and redeemed to himfelfe, as a peculiar inheritance: which Church, as it is vifible to us, is a company of viſible Saints, called & feparated from the world, by the word and Spirit of God,to the vifible profeffion of the faith of the Gofpel, being baptized into that faith, and joyned to the Lord, and each other, by mutuall agreement, in the practical injoyment of the d Ordinances, commanded by Chrift their head and King.

41 Cor. 1.3. Eph. 1.1. b Rom, 1.7. A&t. 16. 18. Thef. 1.9. 2 Cor. 6.17. Rev. 18. 18. CA&s. 37. with A&ts 10. 37. dRom.10.10. Act. 20. 21. Mit. 18, 19, 10. Act. 2.41. 1 Pet, 2.5.


To this Church he hath made his promifes, and given the fignes of his Covenant, prefence, love, bleffing, and protection: here are the fountains and fprings of his heavenly grace continually flowing forth; thither ought all men to come, of all eftates, that acknowledge him to be their Prophet,Prieft, and King, to be inrolled among ft his houfhold fervants, to be under his heavenly conduct and government, to lead their lives in his walled fheepfold, and watered garden, to have communion here with the Saints,that they may be made to be partakers of their inheritance in the Kingdome of God.

aMat. 28. 18, 19, 20. 2 Cor. 6, 18. b Efa. 8. 16. 1 Tim. 3. 15. & 4.16. & 6.3.5. Acts 2.41.47. Song 4. 12. Gal. 6, 10, Eph.


And all his fervants are called thither, to prefent their bodies and foules, and to bring their gifts God hath given them; fo being come, they are here by himfelfe beftowed in their feverall order, peculiar place,due ufe, being fitly compact and knit together, according to the effectuall working of every part, to the edification of it felfe in love.

I Cor.12,6,7, 12, 18. Rom.12.4,5,5. 1 Pet. 4. 10. Eph. 4. 16. Col 1 Cor. 13.12. to the end.