Page:1751 A collection of all the public acts of Assembly, of the province of North-Carolina now in force and use.pdf/354

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LAWS of North-Carolina

A.D. 1750.


An Act, for increaſing the Annual Allowance given to the Attorney-General, for his Trouble and Expences in riding the Circuits.

Preamble. I. WHEREAS by an Act of Assembly, passed at Newbern, the Twenty Seventh Day of March, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty, intituled, An additional Act to an Act, for fixing a Place for the Seat of Government, and for keeping Public Officers, for appointing Circuit Courts, and defraying the Expence thereof; it is, among other Things, Enacted, That the Attorney-General for the Time being, shall be paid, for each and every Court of Assize, Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, which he shall attend at Edenton, at Wilmington, and at Edgecomb Court-houses, the Sum of Eleven Pounds Two Shillings and Three Pence, Proclamation Money, and no more: And whereas it is found, that the said Allowance to the Attorney-General, is insufficient to answer the said Purposes for which it was granted him;

Attorney-General’s Allowance for riding the Circuit.

II. BE it therefor Enacted, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnston, Esq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Majesty’s Council, and the General Assembly of this Province, That the Attorney-General, for his Trouble and Expences in riding the Circuits, shall have and receive the Sum of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money, for each and every such Court he shall attend; any Thing in the above recited Act to the contrary, notwithstanding.

Continuance of the Act.

III. AND be it further Enacted, That this Act shall continue and be in Force for Four Years, next after the passing hereof, and from thence to the End of the next Session of Assembly, and no longer.


Gabriel Johnston, Esq; Governor.

Nathaniel Rice, President.

Samual Swann, Speaker.