Page:1836 (33) Registration of Births &c. A bill for registering Births Deaths and Marriages in England.djvu/15

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Form of Conviction
And be it Enacted, That any Justice of the Peace before whom any Person shall be convicted of any offence against this Act, may cause the Conviction to be drawn up according to the following Form; (that is to say)

"BE it Remembered, That on the day of in the year of our Lord A. B. is convicted before us, two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the of for that he [here specify the Offence and the time when committed, as the case may be], contrary to an act of Parliament made and passed in the year of the reign of King William the Fourth, intituled, [here insert the title of this Act]: And we, the said Justices, adjudge the said for his said offence, to forfeit and pay the sum of and also to pay the sum of for costs; and in default of payment of the said sum forthwith, to be imprisoned in the for the space of unless the said sum shall be sooner paid. Given under our hands and seals the day and year first above written."

And be it Enacted, That in all cases where the sum adjudged to be paid Appeal. on any such summary conviction shall exceed Five Pounds, any Person convicted may appeal to the next Court of General or Quarter Sessions which shall be holden not sooner than Twelve Days after the day of such conviction for the county or other district wherein the cause of complaint shall have arisen: Provided, That such Person shall give to the Complainant a Notice in writing of such Appeal, and of the cause and matter thereof, within Three Days after such conviction, and Seven clear Days at the least before such Sessions, and shall also either remain in custody until the Sessions, or enter into a recognizance with Two sufficient Sureties before a Justice of the Peace, conditioned personally to appear at the said Sessions, and to try such Appeal, and to abide the Judgment of the Court thereupon, and to pay such costs as shall be by the Court awarded; and upon such Notice being given, and such Recognisances being entered into, the Court at such Sessions shall hear and determine the matter of the Appeal, and shall make such order therein, with or without costs to either Party, as to the Court shall seem meet; and in case of the dismissal of the Appeal or the affirmance of the Conviction, shall order and adjudge the Offender to be punished according to the conviction, and to pay such costs as shall be awarded, and shall, if necessary, issue Process for enforcing such Judgment.
