Page:1836 (34) Marriages. A bill for Marriages in England.djvu/7

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Persons unduly solemnizing Marriage guilty of Felony.
And be it Enacted, That every person who shall knowingly solemnize Matrimony under colour or this Act, otherwise than according to the rites of the Church of England as by law established, in any place other than a building registered as aforesaid, (except the Superintendent Registrar in his office) or in the absence of the Registrar of the district, or at any other time than between the hours of Nine in the Forenoon and Three in the Afternoon; and every person who shall knowingly solemnize Matrimony, either according to the rites of the Church of England, or under any provision of this Act (except by Special License) within the time herein provided to elapse between the certificate of notice of intended Marriage to be given by the Registrar, and the celebration of such Marriage, shall be guilty of Felony, and shall be transported beyond the seas for Fourteen Years: Provided that all prosecutions for such felony shall be commenced within Three Years after the offence; provided also, that no person who shall solemnize any Marriage according to the provisions of this Act, shall be liable to any of the penalties imposed by an Act passed in the fourth year of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, "An Act for amending the laws respecting the solemnization of Marriage in England" on such persons as should solemnize Matrimony otherwise than according to the provisions of the last recited Act.

Marriages void if unduly solemnized with the knowledge of both parties
And be it Enacted, That if any persons under colour of this Act, shall with the knowledge of both Parties intermarry otherwise than according to the rites of the Church of England as by law established, in any in any place other than a building registered as aforesaid, or the office of the Superintendent Registrar, or without License, in case a License is required under this Act, or in the absence of the Registrar, and if any persons, with the knowledge of both parties, shall intermarry either according to the rites of the Church of England or under any provision of this Act (except by Special License) without due notice to the Registrar, the Marriage of such persons shall be null and void.

In case of fraudulent Marriages, the guilty party to forfeit all Property accruing from the Marriage, as in 4 Geo.4.c.76.s.23. &c
And be it Enacted, That if any valid Marriage shall be had under the provisions of this Act, by means of any wilfully false oath, certificate or declaration, made by either Party to such Marriage, as to any matter to which an oath, certificate or declaration is herein required it shall be lawful for His Majesty's Attorney-General or Solicitor-General to sue for a forfeiture of all estate and interest in any property accruing to the offending Party by such Marriage, and the proceedings thereupon and consequences thereof shall be the same as are provided with regard to Marriages solemnized by License before the passing of this Act, according to the rites of the Church of England.

Act to extend only to England, and not to extend to the Royal Family.
And be it Enacted, That this Act shall extend only to England, and shall not extend to the Marriage of any of the Royal Family.