Page:1863-64 Territory of Dakota Session laws.djvu/40

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D............. (as the case may be.) Signed A. B., register of deeds."

Sec. 6. The sheriff, to whom such notice shall be delivered as aforesaid, shall put up in three of the most public places in each town or district, the notice referring to such district, precinct, town, at least twenty days previous to the time of holding any general election, and at least eight days previous to the time of holding any special election, and in cases where towns or districts may not be set off by law as election precincts, said notices shall be posted as follows: One at the house where the election is authorized to be held, and two others at two of the most pubļic places in that vicinity or settlement.

Sec. 7. If any person appointed to act as judge of election, as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to be sworn to act in such capacity, or shall not be present, the place of such person shall be filled by the votes of such qualified electors residing within the county, town, district or precinct, as may then be present at the place of election, and the person or persons so elected to fill the vacancy or vacancies, shall be and are hereby vested, for that election with the same power as if appointed by the board of county commissioners.

Sec. 8. Previous to votes being taken, the judges and the clerk of the election shall severally take an oath, in the following form, to wit: “I, A B, do solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may bė,) that I will perform the duties of judge, (or clerk, as the case may be) according to law and the best of my ability; that I will studiously endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit, and abuse in conducting the same."

Sec. 9. In case there shall be no judge or justice of the peace present at the opening of the election, or in case such judge or justice shall be appointed judge or clerk of the election, it shall be lawful for the judges of the election, and they are hereby empowered to administer the oath to each other, and to the clerks of the election ; and the person administering oaths shall cause an entry thereof to be made and subscribed by him and prefixed to the poll book.

Sec. 10. At all elections to be held under this act, the polls closet-at what shall be opened at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and continue open until four o'clock in the afternoon of the