Page:1863-64 Territory of Dakota Session laws.djvu/44

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Sec. 25. As soon as the poll of the election shall be finally closed, the judges shall immediately proceed to canvass the vote given at such election, and the canvass may be public, and shall be continued without adjournment until completed.

Sec. 26. The canvass shall commence by a comparison of the poll lists from the commencement, and a correction of any mistakes that may be found therein, until they shall be found or made to agree. The box shall then be opened and the ballots contained therein taken out and counted by the judges, unopened, except so far as to ascertain. whether each ballot is single, and if two or more ballots shall be found so folded together as to present the appearance of a single ballot, they shall be laid. aside until the count of the ballot shall be completed ; and if upon a comparison of the count with the poll lists, and the appearance of such ballots, a majority of such judges shall be of opinion that the ballots thus folded together were voted by one elector, they shall be destroyed.

Sec. 27. If the ballots in the box shall be found to exceed in number the whole number of votes on the poll lists, they shall be replaced in the box, after being purged as above, and one of the judges shall publicly draw out and destroy there from as many ballots, unopened, as shall be equal to such excess.

Sec. 28. The ballot and poll list agreeing, or being made to agree, the board shall the proceed to count and ascertain the number of votes cast, and the clerks shall set down in their poll books the name of every person voted for, written at full length, the office for which such person received such votes, and the number he did receive, the number being expressed at full length, such entry to be made, as nearly as cireumstances will admit, in the following form, to wit: “At an election held at the house of A B, in the town, district or precinct, in the county of, and Territory of Dakota, on the day of the following named persons received the number of votes annexed to their respective names, for the following described offices, to wit: A B had votes for delegate to congress ; C D had votes for member of the legislative council; E F had votes for member of the house of representatives ; G U bad votes for coroner;