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shall upon conviction, be fined not less than five (5) dollars nor more than fifty (50) dollars; and his successor shall prosecute without delay upon the Oflicial bond of such officer for the recovery of all such property. Every treasurer of a district who shall fail, neglect or refuse to deliver to his successor in office all money belonging thereto, shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement of such sum, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished therefor as provided by law.

§ 155. PENALTY FOR WILLFUL DISTURBANCE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL.] Every person, whether pupil or not, who shall willfully molest or disturb a public school when in session, or who shall willfully interfere With. and interrupt the proper order or management of a public school, by act of violence, boisterous conduct or threatening language, so as to prevent the teacher or any pupil from performing his duty, or who shall in the presence of the school or school children, upbraid, insult or threaten the teacher, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five (25) dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than ten days, or both such fine and imprisonment.

§ 156. PROPOSALS FOR CONTRACTS.] No contract, except for teachers’ or janitors’ wages, for the expenditure of school funds, or money appropriated for any purpose relating to the educational system of this State, or any county, district or school corporation therein, where the amount exceeds one hundred (100) dollars, shall be let until proposals are advertised for, and after such advertisement only to the lowest responsible bidder. Any violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor.

§ 157. FINES AND PENALTIES, HOW COLLECTED.] All fines and penalties not otherwise provided for in this act shall be collected by an action in any court of competent jurisdiction.

§ 158. JURISDICTION or JUSTICES OF THE PEACE] Justices of the peace shall have jurisdiction in any case in which a school corporation is a party interested, when the amount claimed by the plaintiff does not exceed two hundred (200) dollars, and the parties shall have a right to appeal, as in other cases. All net proceeds Of the fines and penalties collected under the provisions of this act, shall be paid into the county treasury and shall be used and applied each year for the benefit of the common schools of the State.



§ 159. SCHOOL BONDS, HOW MAY BE ISSUED.] Whenever a duly constituted school district in any organized county in the State at any regular or special meeting held for that purpose, shall determine by a majority vote of all the qualified voters of said school district present at sail meeting and voting, to issue school district bonds for the purpose of building and furnishing a school house