Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/107

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AN ACT Providing for a Constitutional Convention for North Dakota.

The sovereign people of the United States at the last national election declared by their votes in faver of the divisien of Dakota, and that both parts being possessed ef population sufficient in number and loyal to republican institutions and the principles ef the national government, be admitted into the union of states.

The peeple of that part of Dakota situated south of the 7th stan- dard parallel being possesed of a sufficient population and entitled to admissien into the national union ака state, on an equal footing with the ether states which compose the union, have adopted а constitution and are demanding to be admitted into the union. The rapid increase 1а population and the wonderful development of material wealth in that part of Dakota situated north of the "th standard parallel, require for the promotion of the welfare and varied interest of its people other and more permanent government than that provided by the congress for the government of the several Terri- teries of the United states.

Wherefore, Bett Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota:

§ 1. Election of delegates.] That for the purpose of enabling the people of that part of Dakota north of the 7th standard parallel to organize and form a state government and make application for admission into the union of states an election for the purpose of choosing delegates to a constitutional convention is hereby appointed to be held on the ninth day of April, 1889 at which time shall be chosen delegates, persons eligible to hold county offices, to said censtitutional convention from the said connties of that part of the territory situated north of the 7th parallel and according to the appertionment of delegates among the several counties herein- after named. Provided, that said election shall be conducted in all respects as an election under the general laws of this Territory and