Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/180

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lands belonging to the Territory of Dakota upon which the Sioux Falls penitentiary is located, to-wit; upon section nine (9), township one hundred aud one (101), range forty-nine (49), for the purpose of constructing a drain or ditch with the intention of draining or sewering any lands adjacent thereto or in the vicinity thereof.

§ 4. Repeal.] All acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

§ 3. Effect when.] This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved March 8, 1889.




JOINT RESOLUTION, Providing for Certain Public Printing and Making Appropriation for the Bams.

Be it Resolved by the Council and House of Reprasentatives of the Territory of Dakota.

That the Secretary of the Territory is hereby authorized to procure from the public printer at a rate not exceeding that established by the government and paid by him for similar work, the printing of all bills, resolutions and memorials, one hundred and fifty copies ef all bills, joint resolutious and memorials and three hundred and fifty copies daily of the Legislative Jeurnals ef the Ceuncil and House of Representatives, payment for which has not been otherwise provided for, two hundred and fifty of said Journals to be bound at the end of the session and copies furnished the members of the Legislature, the various Territorial officials and the President of the United States, President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the use of Congress as provided by law. Upon presentation to the Territerial Auditor of a preperly verified account for printing done under the provisions of this resolution, such account having been approved in writing by the Secretary of the Territory, the auditor shall draw his warrant on the Territorial Treasurer for the amount of said bill or bills and there is