Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/82

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shall máke a statement of the direct assessment for benefits made against the several pieces and parcels of lands, giving a description of such lands, the amount of the direct assessment against each piece or parcel, the name of the well for which the assessment was made, and shall file the same with the register of deeds of said county and the same shall thereafter be a lien upon said lands to secure the payment of any orders or warrants issued as herein provided; which lien may be foreclosed by the holder of such warrants or orders, and shall be prior to al] other liens except for taxes.

§ 28. Water course unobstructed, duty of overseer of highways.] It is hereby made the duty of every person through whose land any water course constructed under this act may pass to keep the same open and unobstructed. On failure so to do, any person aggrieved may complain to the Overseer of Highways in the district where such water course is situated, and such overseer shall have the authority, and it is hereby made his duty, to call out the persons residing in said district who are liable for road tax, and open said waterway, and the expense thereof shall he entered by the County Clerk as a tax against said land.

§ 29. Repeal.] All laws heretofore enacted on the subject of Artesian wells are hereby repealed; provided, that all proceedings heretofore had and all contracts made under the provisions of existing laws on the subject of Artesian wells, are hereby declared to be valid and may be continued and completed under the provisions of this act.

§ 30. Effect-when.] This act shall take effect on the Ist day of July, 1889.

Approved March 8th, 1889.