Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/85

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diem for the discharge of the services required by this act as is now paid to them for taking a list of property for assessment purposes. Provided, that an Assessor shall receive no part of any pay for his services as Assessor, except on the certificate of the County Clerk or Auditor that he has fully complied with the requirements of this act.

§ 6. Misdemeanor-penalty.] Any county, township, town, or city Assessor, or County Clerk or Auditor, who shall willfully neglect or refuse, in whole or in part, to perform the duties required in this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars.

§ 7. Territorial statistician duties.] The Territorial Statisticlan is hereby required to carry into effect the provisions of this act relating to the collection and compilation annually, of the statistical data herein described and he shall cause the returns, when received, to be arranged, classified and published in the best and most convenient manner in order to display the annual growth and development of each county and of the Territory.

§ 8. Expenses paid by territory.) The expense incurred in procuring and furnishing the necessary blanks, stationery and postage in compiling and publishing this statistical information as required by Section seven (7), of this act, shall be paid by the Territorial Treasurer on the warrant of the Territorial Auditor, which shall be issued on presentation of the sworn expense account of the Territorial Statistician when approved by the Governor.

§ 9. Repeal.] Chapter one hundred and thirty-seven (137), laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five (1885), the same being an act providing for the collection of statistics, shall be and is hereby repealed.

§ 10. Effect-when.] This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved, March 7, 1889.