Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/89

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AN ACT Authorizing the Territorial Auditor to Audit a Claim of John Sundback Against the Territory.

Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of tha Territory of Dakota:

§ 1. Authority to audit and issue warrant.] That the Territorial Auditor be and ix hereby authorized and empowered to audit and issue a Territorial warrant to John Sundback, aa Sheriff of Minnehaha county, for the sum of $425.45, and the Territorial Teasurer is hereby directed to pay such warrant from the general fund ef the Territory.

§ 9. Effect-when.] This act shall take effect from and after its passage and approval.

Approved, March 8th, 1889.



AN ACT, To Authorize the Territorial Auditor to Audit and Pay certain claims.

Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota:

§ 1. Аudit Certain Claims. ] The Territorial Auditor is hereby authorized to audit the certain claims of J. W. Sheridan and the Northwest Grain and Fuel company against the Territory of Dakota, for coal furnished the North Dakota Hospital for the Insane, at Jamestown, aud to pay the amount found te be justly due by his warrant upon the Territorial Treasurer out of any fund or funds provided by Council Bill No. 314, for the support or maintenance of said institutien. Provided, that said claims shall be presented and audited within thirty days from the passage of this act.

§ 2. Effect-when.] This act shall be in force and effect immediately upon its passage and approval.

§ 3. Repeal.] All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.

Approved, March 8, 1889.