Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/97

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AN ACT to Amend Chapter 142 of the Laws Passed at the 17th Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota, entitled “Ап Act to Provide for the Collection of City Taxes in Incorporated Cities of the Territory of Dakota.

Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota:

§ 1. Assessment roll.] That section one (1) of chapter 142 of the laws passed at the 17th Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota, entitled **An act to provide tor the collection of city taxes in Incorporated cities of the Territory of Dakota" approved March 11, 1887, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto after the word **assessors" in the last line thereof the following: Provided, That in all incorporated cities of this Territory, whether incorporated under special acts, or otherwise, not having city assessors, the assessment roll of all property subject to taxation in any such city made and equalized tor county purposes shall be and constitute the assessment roll for said city and the county clerk of the county in which any such city is situated shall, as soon as said assessment roll is completed, certify to the common council of every such city within his county the aggregate amount of the valuation of the taxable property in any such city as shown by said assessment roll; and Provided, further, That all taxes in any such city levied before the passage and approval of this act shall be collected as now provided by law or ordinance.

§ 2. Repeal.] All acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

§ 3. Effect-when.] This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved, March 2, 1889.