Page:1899 The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century.djvu/20

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Allg. St. Ar.—Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv.

Bleicher—Beiträge zur Statistik der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Neue Folge, Erstes Heft: Statistische Beschreibung der Stadt und ihrer Bevölkerung, II. Theil: Die innere Gliederung der Bevölkerung. Bearbeitet von dem Vorsteher des Statistischen Amtes, Dr. H. Bleicher, 1895.

Conrad's Hdwbh—Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, edited by Conrad, Elster, Lexis and Loening. First edition, 6 vols. + 2 sup. vols., Jena, 1890—97.

J. of St. Soc.—Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, London.

Levasseur—La Population Française, 3 vols.

St. Mon.—Statistische Monatschrift (pub. by Austrian Statistical Bureau).

11th Cen., Agr.—Eleventh Census of the United States (1890). Report on the Statistics of Agriculture.

11th Cen., Mfs.—Eleventh Census of the United States (1890). Report on Manufacturing Industries.

11th Cen., Pop.—Eleventh Census of the United States (1890). Report on Population.

11th Cen., Stat. of Cities—Eleventh Census of the United States (1890). Report on the Social Statistics of Cities (by Dr. J. S. Billings).

For the full titles of the works cited under the following abbreviations, the reader is referred to the bibliographical note at the end of the volume : (p. 476)

Harper. Kuczynski.
Hassel, 1809. Legoyt.
Hassel, 1822. Supan.
Kolb. Worcester.
