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are weak Governments, as in Austria and France, and equivocal response in the speeches of some of the leading ignorant and superstitious elements in the enfranchized Liberal statesmen; but on the country generally it pro- classes of those countries, that question will seek to play duced no effect. It was revived when the persecutions in a part in politics. Russia threatened England with a great influx of Polish Jews, whose mode of life was calculated _ to lower the Literature.—No impartial history of modern anti-Semitism standard of living in the industries m which they were has vet been written. The most comprehensive works on the subIsrael among the Nations, by A. Leroy-Beaulieu (1895), and employed. All danger was, however^ averted by the ect L'Antisemitisme, son Histoire et ses causes, by Bernard Lazare Jewish communal authorities, who, by dint of great (1894) are collections of studies rather than histories. M. Lazare s pecuniary sacrifices and an excellent international organiza- work will be found most useful by the student on account of its tion, managed to control the immigration. In 1883 Herr detached standpoint and its valuable bibliographical notes. A good Stoecker visited London, but received a very unflattering list of works relating to Jewish ethnography will be found at the of M. Isidore Loeb’s valuable article, ‘ ‘ Juifs, ” in the Dictionnaire reception. Equally abortive attempts to acclimatize anti- end Universel de Geographic (1884). To these should be added JelSemitism have been made in Switzerland, Belgium, Greece, linek, Der Judische Stamm (1869); Chwotson, Die Semitischen and the United States. . Volhcr (1872); Nossig, Materialien zur Statistik (1887); Jacobs, Anti-Semitism has made a great deal of history during Jewish Statistics (1891); and AndrEe, Zur Volkskundeder Juden A bibliography of the Jewish question from 1875 to 1884: the last thirty years, but it has left no permanent mark (1881). has been published by Mr Joseph Jacobs (1885). Useful additions on the social and political evolution of Europe. It is the and rectifications will be found in the Jewish World, 11th Sepfruit of a great ethnographic and political error, and it has tember 1885. During the last fifteen years the anti-Semitic movespent itself in political intrigues of transparent dishonesty. ment has produced an immense pamphlet literature. Some of productions have already been referred to; others will be Its racial doctrine is at best a crude hypothesis, its these found in current bibliographies under the names of the personages nationalist theory has only served to throw into striking mentioned, such as Stoeeker, Ahlwardt, &c. On the Russian perrelief the essentially economic bases of modern society, while secutions, besides the works quoted by Jacobs, see the pamphlet its political activity has revealed the vulgarity and ignor- issued by the Russo-Jewish Committee in 1890, and the annual ance which constitute its main sources of strength, bo reports of the Russo-Jewish Mansion House Fund; Lcs Juifs de (Paris, 1891); Report of the Commissioners of Immigration far from injuring the Jews, it has really given Jewish racial Russie upon the Causes which incite Immigration to the United States separatism a new lease of life. Its extravagant accusations, (Washington, 1892); The New Exodus, by Harold Frederic as in the TiszaEszlar and Dreyfus cases, have resulted m the (1892); Les Juifs Russes, by Leo Errera (Brussels, 1893). ine vindication of the Jewish character. Its agitation gener- most valuable collection of facts relating to the persecutions of are to be found in the Feuilles Jaunes (52 nos.), compiled ally, coinciding with the revival of interest in Jewish 1881-82 and circulated for the information of the European press by the history, has helped to transfer Jewish solidarity from a Alliance Israelite of Paris. Complete collections are very scarce. religious to a racial basis. The bond of a common race, On the Rumanian question, see Bluntschli, Roumama and the vitalized by a new pride in Hebrew history and spurred on Legal Status of the Jews (London, 1879); Wir Juden (Zurich, • Schloss, The Persecution of the Jews in Roumania to resistance by the insults of the anti-Semites, has given 1883) (London, 1885); Schloss, Notes of Information (1886); Sincerus, a new spirit and a new source of strength to Judaism at a Juifs en Roumanie (London, 1901); Plotke, Die Rumdmschen moment when the approximation of ethical systems and Juden under dem Fursten u. Kbnig Karl (1901) ; Diplothe revolt against dogma were sapping its essentially matic u. Hochfinanz in der Rumanischen Judenfrage (1901); Roumania as a Persecuting Power {Nat. Rev. religious foundations. In the whole history of Judaism, Conybeare, 1901). On Hungary and the Tisza Eszlar Case, perhaps, there have been no more numerous or remarkable February see, besides the references in Jacobs, Nathan, Der Prozess instances of reversions to the faith than during the last von Tisza Eszlar (Berlin, 1892). On this case and the Blood thirty years. The reply of the Jews to anti-Semitism has Accusation generally, see Wright, “The Jews and the Malitaken two interesting practical forms. In the first place cious Charge of Human Sacrifice ” {Nineteenth Century, 1883). t re of the Austrian agitation are dealt with by Nitti, Catholic there is the so-called Zionist movement, which is a kind of oiigins Socialism (1895). This work, though inclining to anti-Semitism, Jewish nationalism and is vitiated by the same errors should be consulted for the Christian Socialist elements in the that distinguish its anti-Semitic analogue. It aims at the whole Continental agitation. The most valuable source of informare-establishment of the Jewish state ; and, under the leader- tion on the Austrian movement is the 0esterreichische Wochenedited by Dr Bloch. See also pamphlets and speeches by ship of Dr Theodor Herzl (b. 1860) and Dr Max Eordau schrift, the anti-Semitic leaders, Liechtenstein, Lueger, Schoenerer, (b. 1849) it has found no fewer than a quarter of a million &c. The case of the French anti-Semites is stated by E. supporters, who are now definitely organized. In the second Drumont in his France Juive, and other works ; the other side place, there is a movement represented by the Maecabseans by Isidor Loeb, Bernard Lazare, Leonce Reynaud, «c. Oi the Case there is an enormous literature, see especially the Society in London, which seeks to unite the Jewish people Dreyfus reports of the Zola and Picquart trials, the revision case before the in an effort to raise the Jewish character and to promote a Court of Cassation, and the proceedings of the Rennes court-martial; higher consciousness of the dignity of the race. It lays also the valuable series of volumes by Captain Paul Mann, MM. no stress on orthodoxy, but welcomes all who strive to Clemenceau, Reinach, Lazare, Yves Guyot, Paschal Grousset, render' Jewish conduct an adequate reply to the theories Urbain Gohier, De Haime, De Pressense, and the remarkable of Dreyfus {Lettres d’un innocent). An English history of of the anti-Semites. Both these movements are elements letters the case has been published by Mr Conybeare, whose articles and of fresh vitality to Judaism, and they are probably those of Sir Godfrey Lushington and Mr Maxse in the National destined to produce important fruit in the near future. Review 1897-1900, will be found invaluable by the student. On the A splendid spirit of generosity has also been displayed by Algerian question, see M. Wahl in the Revue dcs Eludes Juives-, L. Forest, Naturalisation dcs Israelites Algdriens; and E. Audinet the Jewish community in assisting and relieving the in the Revue Generate de Droit International Publique, 1897, No. 4. victims of the Jew-haters. Besides countless funds raised A good summary of the aims and literature of Zionism will be found & by public subscription, Baron de Hirsch founded a colossal, in the Nineteenth Century, August 1897. On the history of the scheme for transplanting persecuted Jews to new countries anti-Semitic movement generally, see the annual reports of the Israelite of Paris and the Anglo-Jewish Association of under new conditions of life, and endowed it with no less Alliance London, also the annual summaries published at the end of the a sum than £9,000,000 (see Hirsch, Moritz he). Jewish year by the Jewish Chronicle of London. The connexion Though anti-Semitism has been unmasked and dis- of the movement with general party politics must be followed m credited, it is to be feared that its history is not yet at an the newspapers. The present writer has worked with a collection newspaper cuttings numbering several thousands and ranging end. While there are m Russia and Rumania six millions of over twenty years. A skeleton guide may be obtained by a careful of Jews who are being systematically degraded, and who study of Seignobos, Histoire Politique de VEurope Contemporaine periodically overflow the western frontier, there will con- (1897), aided by Hazell's Annual, and Schulthess, Europaischer (b. W.) tinue to be a Jewish question m Europe ; and while there Geschichtskalender,