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‘ Good Words,’ under Dr Norman Macleod, ‘ Daily News,’ etc. ; founded Gaiety Theatre, 1868 ; Theatrical Licensing Reform, 1866 and 1892 ; Copyright Reform, 1874 ; author of ‘ Plain English,’ ‘ Underground London,’ ‘ Ragged London,’ ‘According to My Lights,’ etc. (J. Hd.)

HOIiROY D, Charles, F.R. Soc. Painter Etchers ; Keeper National Gallery of British Art (Tate Gallery); assistant to Professor Legros, Slade School of Art, for four years; author of ‘Michael Angelo and His Works,’ ‘ Etchings,’ etc. (C. Hd.)

HOOPER, Franklin H., A.B. ; assistant editor of ‘The Century Dictionary.’ (F. H. H.)

HOOPER, Wynnard, M.A., author of ‘Population,’ ‘ Statistics,’ ‘ Suicide,’ in the Ninth Edition of the ‘ Ency. Brit.’ (W. Ho.)


HOSE, C., LL.D., D.Sc.; Resident in the Boram District, Sarawak; author of ‘ A Descriptive Account of the Mammals of Borneo,’ etc. (C. H.)

HOUGHTON, A. E. j Correspondent of the ‘ Standard ’ in Spain. (A. E. H.)

HOUSMAN, Laurence, author of ‘The Writings of William Blake,’ ‘Arthur Boyd Houghton,’ ‘ Green Arras,’ etc. ; illustrated ‘Goblin Market,’ ‘The End of Elfintown,’ ‘The Were Wolf,’ ‘“Jump to Glory” Jane,’ ‘The Sensitive Plant.’ (L. Ho.)

HOWE, Henry Marion, A.M.; Professor of Metallurgy, Columbia University, New York; Past President Am. Institute of Mining Engineers; President Jury of Mines and Mining, World’s Columbian Exposition; Bessemer Medallist, British Iron and Steel Inst., and Gold Medallist, Franklin Inst, of Philadelphia, 1895 ; author of ‘Metallurgy of Steel,’ ‘Copper Smelting,’ etc. (H. M. H.)

HOWELL, Hon. Clark; editor of ‘The Constitution,’ Atlanta, Georgia. (C. Ho.)

HOWELL, William H., Fh.D., M.D. ; Dean of the Medical Faculty and Professor of Physiology, Johns Hopkins University. (W. H. H.)

HUBBARD, Wilfranc. (W. Hd.)

HUDSON, James Fairchild, editor of the ‘Pittsburg Dispatch’; author of ‘Railways of the Republic,’ etc. * (J. F. H.)

HUGHES, Rev. Hugh Price, M.A.; Pres. Wesleyan Conference, 1898-99; editor of ‘ Methodist Times ’ ; Past Pres, of National Council of Evangelical Free Churches; author of ‘ Social Christianity,’ ‘ Ethical Christianity,’ etc. (H. P. H.)

HUGHES. Rupert, A.M. ; formerly assistant editor of the ‘ Criterion,’ New York; author of ‘American Composers,’ ‘ Gyges Ring,’ etc. (R. Hu.)

HULL, Commander Thomas A., R.N., F.R.G.S.; employed in the search for Sir John Franklin, survey of Palestine, Corfu, etc.; late Superintendent of Admiralty charts ; author of ‘ Practical Nautical Surveying ’; editor and reviser ‘The Pilot’s Handbook for the English Channel,’ and ‘The Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy,’ etc. (T. A. H.)

HUMMEL, J. J., F.I.C.; Professor of Dyeing, Yorkshire Coll., Leeds ; author of ‘The Dyeing of Textile Fabrics.’ (J. J. H.)

HUNT, Rev. William, M.A.; examiner1 in History, 1877 to 1880, Oxford ; author of The English Church, 597 to 1066,’ ‘The Church of England in the Middle Ages ’; editor with E. A. Freeman of ‘Historic Towns,’ etc. (W. Hu.)

HUNT, Hon. William H., Governor of Porto Rico; sometime Justice of the Supreme Court of Montana. (W. H. H*.)

HUNTER, Sir Robert, M.A.; Solicitor to the Post Office; author of ‘The Preservation of Open Spaces and of Footpaths ahd Other Rights of Way.’ (R. H*.)

HUNTER, Walter, M.I.C.E., M.T.M.E.; engineering director of the Grand Junction Water Works Co., and joint engineer of the Staines Reservoir Joint Committee. (W. H*.)

HUTCHINSON, Horatio Gordon, B.A.; amateur golf champion, 1886 - 87; author of ‘Golf’ in Badminton Library, ‘Creatures of Circumstance,’ ‘ The Book of Golf and Golfers ’ 1899. (H. G. H.’)

HUTTON, Rev. Arthur Wollaston, M.A.; Rector of Spridlington, 1873-76 ; received into Roman Catholic Church by Dr Newman, 1876 ; resumed clerical functions in the Church of England, 1898.; author of ‘Our Position as Catholics in the Church of England,’ ‘The Anglican Ministry,’ 1 Cardinal Manning ’; edited Arthur Young’s ‘ Tour in Ireland,’ 1892, Maitland’s ‘ Essays on the Reformation,’ Newman’s ‘ Lives of the English Saints,’ etc. (A. W. Hu.)


IDE, Hon. Henry Clay, Member of U.S. Philippine Commission; formerly U.S. Commissioner to Samoa, and later Chief Justice of Samoa. (H. C. I.)

ILBERT, Sir Courtenay Peregrine, K.C.S.I., C.I.E.; Clerk of the House of Commons ; formerly Pari. Counsel to the Treasury, 1899-1902; Legal Member of Council of Governor-General of India, 1882-86; Assistant Pari, Counsel to the Treasury, 1886 - 99; Member of Statute Law Committee; author of ‘ The Government of India,’ ‘Legislative Method and Forms.’ (C. P. I.)

INAMA-STERNEGG, Karl Theodor von ; Professor of Political Science, Vienna ; President of the Austrian Royal Statistical Central Commission ; author of ‘ Outlines of Germanic Philology,’ ‘Economy,’ etc. (K. T. I.-S.)

IRVINE, William Fergusson; Hon. Sec. Record Society of Lane, and Chesh., author of ‘Notes on the Ancient Parish of Bidston’; editor ‘Liverpool in King Charles II.’s Time,’ etc. (W. F. I.)


JACKS, Rev. L. P. (L. P. J.)

JACKSON, Lieut.-Col. Louis, R.E.; late instructor in Fortification, R.M.A., Woolwich ; instructor in Fortification and Military Engineering, School of Military Engineering, Chatham ; Assoc. Memb. of Ordnance Committee, etc. (L. J.)

JACOB, Francis, M.I.E.E., F.P.S. Lond.; chief electrician to Messrs Siemens Bros, and Co. (F. Ja.)

JAMES, Edmund Janes, A.M., Ph.D. ; President North-Western University; late Professor of Public Administration and Director of the Extension Division, University of Chicago; past Pres. Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science; author of ‘ Our Legal Tender Decisions,’ ‘ The Education of Business Men,’ etc. (E. J. J.)

JAMES, Lionel; War Correspondent of ‘The Times ’ in South Africa. (L. J)

JAMIESON, Georgre, C.M.G.; Director of the Pekin Syndicate and Yangtse Valley Company ; Consul and Judge of Supreme Court, Shanghai, 1891; Consul-Gen., 1897-99 ; author of various papers on the Revenue and Statistics of China ; prize essay on Bimetallism. (G. J.)

JEBB, Sir Richard Claverhouse, Litt.D., D.C.L., LL.D., M.P. ; Regius Professor of ' Greek, Camb.; Hon. Professor Ancient History, Roy. Acad., since 1898; Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College, 1863 ; Public Orator of the University, 1869; Professor of Greek, University of Glasgow, 1875-89; Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,’ 1892 ; Member of Royal Commission on Secondary Education, 1894 ; of Royal Commission on Irish University Education, 1901; Member of Consulting Committee of Board of Education, 1900 ; Fellow of London University, 1897; Member of London University Commission, 1898; Bampton Lecturer, 1899; author of‘Aristophanes,’ ‘Demosthenes,’ ‘Euripides,’ etc., in Ninth Edition of ‘Ency. Brit.,’ ‘Sophocles,’ ‘Electra’ in Catena Classicorum, ‘Aiax,’ ‘Characters of Theophrastus,’ ‘Attic Orators,’ ‘Modern Greece,’ 1880; ‘ Bentley,’ ‘ Sophocles,’ with Critical Notes, Commentary, and Translation ; ‘ Humanism in Education,’ etc. (R. C. J.)

JEFFERSON, Joseph, LL.D. ; actor; author of ‘Autobiography,’ etc. (J. J*.)

JEKELFALUSSY, Jdzef von Jekel-und Marg-itfalva, Dr. Juris, the late; DirectorGeneral of the Royal Hungarian Statistical Bureau; Member of the Royal Hungarian Academy of Sciences; edited ‘ The Millennium of Hungary and its People,’ etc. (J. Je.)

JENKS, Jeremiah Whipple, Ph.D.; Professor of Political Science, Cornell University ; Member of the U.S. Committee to investigate Trusts; author of ‘Henry C. Carey,’ ‘Road Legislation for the American State,’ and numerous magazine contributions in Germany, England, and the United States. (J. W. J.)

JENKYNS, Sir Henry, the late, K.C.B. ; Parliamentary Counsel to Treasury. (H. Je.)

JERVIS-SMITH, Rev. Frederick J., M.A., F.R.S. ; University Lecturer in Mechanics!; Millard Lecturer, Trinity College, Oxford ; Member of Com. on Explosions, Home Office, 1895-96 ; received Medal French Exhibition for Dynamometer; silver medal Inventions Exhibitions for Integrator. (F. J. J.-S.)

JEUNE, Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Henry, K.C.B., K.B. ; appointed a Judge of the High Court, 1891; President of Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division; Judge-Advocate-Gen. 1892. (F. H. J.)

JEUNE, Lady; contributor to leading reviews and magazines; author of ‘ Lesser Questions,’ etc. (M. J.)

JOHNSTON, Sir Harry Hamilton, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.; Special Commissioner, Commander-in-Chief and Consul-General for Uganda Protectorate ; explored Portuguese West Africa and River Congo, 1882-83; commanded Scientific Expedition of Royal Society to Mt. Kilimanjaro, 1884; H.M. Vice-Consul in Cameroons, 1885 ; Acting Consul in Niger Coast Protectorate, 1887; Consul for province of Mozambique, 1888; expedition to Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika (founding of the British Central Africa Protectorate), 1889; author of ‘ River Congo,’ ‘ Kilimanjaro,’ ‘History of a Slave,’ ‘Life of Livingstone,’ ‘ British Central Africa,’ etc. (H. H. J.)

JORDAN, David Starr, Ph.D., LL.D.; President of Leland Stanford Junior University; sometime Assistant to the U.S. Fish Commission, and Professor of Zoology, and President of Indiana University ; Commissioner and Expert for the United States to investigate the. Fur Seal Question, 1896-97 ; author of ‘ Vertebrate Animals of Northern U.S.,’ ‘ Fisheries of North and Middle America,’ ‘Factors of Organic Evolution,’ etc. (D. S. J.)

JORDAN, Richard; Draughts Champion of Scotland, 1896, and of the World since 1896. (R. J.) JUDSON, Harry Pratt, A.M., LL.D. ; Professor of Political Science, and Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Science, and Literature, University of Chicago; author of ‘ Europe in the Nineteenth Century,’ ‘ Growth of the American Nation,’ etc. (H. P. J.)


KAN, C. M.; Professor of Geography, University of Amsterdam ; author of ‘ Holland ’ in Ninth Edition of the ‘ Ency. Brit.,’ ‘ A History of Discoveries in the Indian Archipelago,’ editor ‘ The International Colonial Review,’ etc. (C. M. K.)

KARAGEORGEVITCH, Bojidar, Prince ; artist and art critic. (B. K.)

KEANE, Augustus Henry;, F.R.G.S.; Emeritus Professor of Hindustani, Univ. Coll. London ; late Vice - President Anthrop. Institute; author of ‘ Kirghiz,’ ‘Soudan,’ ‘Somali,’ ‘ Yoruba,’ etc., in Ninth Edition of ‘Ency. Brit.’ Stanford’s ‘Asia,’ ‘Africa,’ ‘Ethnology,’ ‘Man, Past and Present,’ etc. (A. H. K.)

KELSEY, C. H., Presidentof the Title Guaranty and Trust Company, New York. (C. H. K.)

KELTIE, John Scott, F.S.S., F.S.A. (Scot.), LL.D. St Andrews; Seer. Royal Geog. Soc.; Knight of Swedish Order of North Star, 1898 ; Hon. Memb. Geographical Societies of Paris, Berlin, Rome, Brussels, Amsterdam, Geneva, Lisbon, Buda-Pest, Philadelphia, etc.; for several years sub-editor of ‘ Nature ’; inspector of geographical education, R.G.S., 1884 ; Librarian R.G.S., 1885; President Geographical Section, Brit. Ass., 1897 ; author of ‘Finland,’ ‘Sir John Franklin,’ etc., in Ninth Edition of ‘ Ency. Brit.,’ ‘ History of Scottish Highlands and Clans,’ ‘Applied Geography,’ ‘The Partition of Africa’; editor of ‘Statesman’s Year Book’ since 1880; editor of the ‘Geographical Journal’; joint-editor of ‘World’s Great Explorers’ Series, and ‘The Systematic Atlas.’ (J. S. K.)

KEMPE, Harry Robert, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.E.E. ; principal technical officer, Postal Telegraph Dept., England; author of ‘Handbook of Electrical Testing,’ ‘ The Electrical Engineer’s Pocket Book,’ ‘ The Engineer’s Year Book,’ etc. etc. (H. R. K.)

KENNEDY, Sir Charles Malcolm, K.C.M.G., C.B.; Head of Commercial Department, Foreign Office, 1872-93; Lecturer on International Law, (Univ. Coll. Bristol; Commissioner in the Levant, 1870-71; at Paris, 1872-86 ; Plenipotentiary, Treaty of the Hague, 1882; author of ‘ Kennedy’s Ethnological and Linguistic Essays ’ (editor), ‘ Diplomacy and International Law.’ (C. M. Kx.)

KENNEDY, Hon. Sir William Rann; Judge of the King’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice; Fellow, and afterwards Hon. Fellow of Pembroke Coll. Camb. (W. R. K.)

KEYNES, John Neville, M.A., D.Sc.; University Lecturer in Moral Science, Cambridge, 1884 ; Member of the Council of the Senate of the University of Cambridge; author of ‘ Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic,’ ‘Scope and Method of Political Economy.’ (J. N. K.)