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John Hungerford, M.A.; ExExpedition ; British Commissioner under Anglo-

POLLEN, NORTON, Charles Eliot, LL.D. ; Professor

aminer for Art, South Kensington; Fellow of Chinese Convention of 1890; Deputy Commisof the History of Art, Harvard ; Dante scholar Merton Coll., Oxford ; Professor of Fine Arts in sioner of Darjeeling. (A. W. P.) and translator ; author of ‘ Church Buildings Catholic University of Dublin; Cantor Lecturer, in the Middle Ages ’; editor of ‘ Letters of

PEACH, Capt, E., Indian Staff Corps ; author Society of Arts, 1885; author of ‘ Carving,’ ‘ Fili

James Russell Lowell,’ ‘ Correspondence of of ‘ Tactics—Savage Warfare,’ etc. (E. P.)

gree,’ ‘Furniture,’ in Ninth Edition of ‘Ency. Carlyle and Emerson,’ ‘ Writings of George Brit.,’ ‘Ancient and Modern Furniture and William Curtis,’ etc. (C. E. N.)

PEARSON, Karl, M.A., LL.B., F.R.S. ; Pro

Woodwork,’ ‘ Ancient and Modern Gold- and fessor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,

NORTON, Professor Richard N. ; AmeriSilver-smiths’ Work, ‘ The Trojan Column,’ University College, London ; Gresham Professor can School of Archaeology, Rome. (R. N. N.) etc. (J. H. P.)

of Geometry, 1892-94; Darwin Medal Royal Society, 1898 ; author of ‘Grammar of Science,’

POLLOCK, Sir Frederick, Bt., LL.D., NOTTER, Col. J. Lane, M.A., M.D., ‘ Enlarged Grammar of Science,’ ‘ The Chances R.A.M.C., F.C.S.; late Prof, of Military D.C.L. ; Corpus Professor of Jurisprudence, of Death, and other Studies in Evolution,’ Hygiene, Netley; author of ‘The Theory and Oxford ; editor of the Law Reports from 1895 ; ‘The Ethic of Freethought,’ ‘Die Fronica, Practice of Hygiene,’ etc. (J. L. N.)

Fellow Trin. Coll., Camb. 1868 ; Corresponding a History of the Mediaeval Portraits of member Institute of France, 1894 ; Professor of Christ,’ etc. (K. P.)

Jurisprudence, University Coll., London, 188283; Professor of Common Law in the Inns of

PELSENUR, PAUL, D.Sc. (Brussels); cor. 0 Court, 1884-90 ; member Royal Labour Com

member of the Royal Belgian Academy of

mission, 1891-94 ; author of ‘Sword,’ ‘Tort’ in Science ; member of the Belgian Committee of

O'DONOGHUE, Freeman M., F.S.A. ; Ninth Edition of ‘Ency. Brit.,’ ‘Principles of Mariculture; Professor in the Normal School, Assistant Keeper of Prints, British Museum ; Contract,’ ‘ The Law of Torts,’ ‘ Digest of the Ghent; lecturer, Brussels University ; author author of ‘ Catalogue of the Collection of Playing Law of Partnership,’ ‘ The Land Laws,’ ‘ Hisof ‘Introduction a TEtude des Mollusques,’ Cards bequeathed to the British Museum by tory of English Law,’ ‘ Spinoza, Life and Philo‘ Report on the Pteropoda,’ ‘ The Anatomy of Lady Charlotte Schneber,’ ‘A Descriptive and sophy,’ ‘A First Book of Jurisprudence,’ ‘The the Deep-Sea Mollusca,’ etc. (P. P.)

Classified Catalogue of the Portraits of Queen Etchingham Letters,’ 1899 (with E. Fuller Elizabeth,’ etc. (F. M. O’D.)

PEMBREY, Marcus Seymour, M.A., Maitland). (F. Po.) M.D.; Lecturer in Physiology, Guy’s Hospital

POORE, George Vivian, M.D. ; Professor of O’NEILL, .Æneas: ‘The Times’ Office, Medical School. (M. S. P.) Vienna. (51. O’N.) Medicine and Clinical Medicine, University

- BRODHURST, James College, London; medical attendant to late

ORDE-BROWNE, Capt. C., the late;

PENDEREL George Joseph; editor of ‘Land,’ 1881-83, Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, 1870-71 ; and author of ‘ Armour and its Attack by Artillery,’ assistant editor of ‘St James’s Gazette,’ 1888

Prince of Wales, 1872 ; received Dannebrog for ‘ Short Notes on Field Batteries,’ ‘ Ammunition 93, editor of ‘St James’s Budget,’ 1889-98; professional services to the Princess Thyra, for Rifled Ordnance,’ etc. (0. O.-B.)

author of ‘ The Life and Times of King Edward Duchess of Cumberland, 1872; Physician Uni

OWEN, Capt. C. R. B., R.A. ; late Pro

VII.,’part author of ‘The Royal River and versity

Coll. Hospital, 1876; Secretary-General fessor of Artillery, Ordnance College ; Assist. Abbeys and Churches of England and of Sanitary Congress, 1891, etc.; author of Superintendent, Roy. Carriage Dept., Woolwich Wales.’ (J. G. J. P.-B.) ‘ Essays on Rural Hygiene,’ ‘ A Treatise on Arsenal. (0. R. B. O.)

Medical Jurisprudence.’ (G. V. P.) Joseph, artist; author of ‘A Can

OWEN, Edmund, M.B. Lond., F.R.C.S.;

PENNELL, terbury Pilgrimage,’ ‘An Italian Pilgrimage,’

PORTER, W. Haldane, B.A. ; Barrister, Senior Surgeon to St Mary’s Hospital, London, ‘Two Pilgrims’ Progress,’ ‘Our Sentimental Middle Temple; Chancellor’s English Essay, and Consulting Surgeon to the Children’s Hos

Journey through France and Italy,’ ‘Pen Draw

Oxford, 1893. (W. H. Po.)

pital, Great Ormond Street; Member of the ing and Pen Draughtsmen,’ ‘ Our Journey to Council, and late Member of the Court of Ex

POST, George B. ; Architect; Member of the the Hebrides,’ ‘The Stream of Pleasure,’ ‘The aminers of Royal College of Surgeons ; Examiner Am. Society of Civil Engineers. (G. B. P.) Jew at Home,’ ‘Play in Provence, ‘Modern in Surgery at the Universities of Cambridge Illustration,’ ‘ The Illustration of Books,’ ‘ The

POTTER, Rt. Rev. Henry Codman, D.D., and of London; Knight of Grace of the Order Work of Charles Keene,’ ‘ Lithography and LL.D.; Bishop of the Diocese of New York; of St John of Jerusalem; Corresponding Lithographers.’ (J. P*.) author of ‘ The Church and Her Children,’ Member of the Imperial Medical Military ‘The Scholar and the State,’ etc. (H. C. P.)

Academy of St Petersburg, of the Canadian

PERSHING, James H., A.B.; Lecturer on Medical Association, and of the Association of International Law in the University of Denver, Edward Bagnall, M.A., D.Sc.; American Orthopaedic Surgeons ; Hon. Surgeon and Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in

POULTON, Hon. LL.D. Princeton, F.R.S. ; Hope Professor to the Royal Society of Musicians; late PresiGross Medical College, Denver. (J. H. Pe.) of Zoology, Oxford ; Fellow of Jesus Coll., dent of the Medical Society of London ; author

PETERSON, Frederick, Ph.D., M.D. ; PresiOxford

Member of Council of Royal Society,

of ‘A Manual of Anatomy for Senior Students,’ 1897-99; Member of Hebdomadal Council of dent New York Neurological Society and Presi

‘The Surgical Diseases of Children.’ (E. O*.)

Oxford ; Demonstrator in Anatomical Depart

dent of the Board of Managers of Craig Colony

ment of University Museum, 1877-79 ; Lecturer for Epileptics, Chief of Clinic, Department of in Natural Science, and tutor of Keble College, Neurology, Columbia University. (F. P*.)

Oxford, 1880-89: Lecturer in Natural Science,


PETRIE, William Matthew Flinders, Jesus College, Oxford, 1880-88 ; author of ‘ The D.C.L., Litt.D., LL.D., Ph.D.; Edwards ProColours of Animals,’ ‘Charles Darwin and the

PAGET, Sir John R., Bart., LL.B., K.C. ; fessor of Egyptology, University Coll. London ; Theory of Natural Selection,’ many memoirs on Gilbart Lecturer on Banking. (J. R. P*.)

surveying British remains, 1875-80 ; excavating Zoological Subjects in the- Proceedings and in Egypt, 1880-1901

author of ‘ Pyramid^’ Transactions of the Royal, Linnsean, Zoo

PAGET, Stephen, F.R.C.S.; Surgeon to West ‘ Weights and Measures,’ in Ninth Edition of London Hospital; Surgeon to Throat and Ear logical, Entomological, and other learned ‘Ency. Brit.,’ ‘Stonehenge,’ ‘Pyramids and Department, Middlesex Hospital ; author of Societies. 4 (E. B. P.)

Temples of Gizeh,’ ‘ Season in Egypt,’ ‘ Racial ‘The Surgery of the Chest,’ ‘John Hunter,’ Portraits,’ ‘ Historical Scarabs,’ ‘ Ten Years'

POWELL, F. York, M.A. ; Regius Professor ‘ Ambroise Pare and his Times,’ Experiments of Modern History, Oxford; Student of Ch. Ch., Digging,’ ‘History of Egypt,’ ‘Tel el Amarna,’ on Animals,’ ‘ Memoirs and Letters of Sir James Oxford ; author of ‘ Icelandic Language,’ etc., ‘Egyptian Tales,’ ‘Decorative Art,’ ‘Six TemPaget.’ (S. P.)

in Ninth Edition of ‘Ency. Brit.,’ ‘Alfred the ples at Thebes,’ ‘Religion and Conscience in

PALGRAVE, Robert Harry Inglis, Great and William the Conqueror,’ ‘History of Ancient Egypt,’ ‘Syria and Egypt,’ ‘Royal F.R.S. ; editor of ‘Economist,’ 1877-83 ; author England to 1509.’ (F. Y. P.)

Tombs of the First Dynasty,’ ‘Royal Tombs of of ‘ The Local Taxation of Great Britain and the Earliest Dynasties,’ etc. (W. M. F. P.)

POYNTING, John Henry, D.Sc., F.R.S. ; Ireland,’ ‘Notes on Banking in Great Britain late Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb.; Professor of and Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, and Hamburg,’

PFEIL, Count Joachim Von, one of the Physics and Dean of the Faculty of Science, founders of German East Africa; sometime resi‘ An Analysis of the Transactions of the Bank Birmingham University ; author of the Adams dent in Bismarck Archipelago ; author of ‘ The of England for the years 1844-72,’ ‘ Bank Rate Prize Essay (1891) on the ‘Mean Density of Founding of the Boer States,’ ‘ Studies and Ob

in England, France, and Germany, 1844

the Earth,’ ‘ A Text-Book of Physics ’ (with

servations in the South Seas,’ etc. (J. von P.) 1878 ’ ; editor of ‘ Dictionary of Political Professor J. J. Thomson), and various physical Economy.’ (R. H. I. P.)

PHELAN, Hon. James Duval: Mayor of papers. (J. H. P*.)

PAPILLON, Rev. Thomas Leslie, M.A.; San Francisco, 1896-1901. (J. D. P.)

late Fellow of Merton Coll, and of New Coll.,

PHILLIMORE, George Grenville, M.A.,

PRINCE, Hon. L. Bradford, LL.D. ; President of the Bureau of Immigration of the terri

Oxford ; author of ‘ A Manual of Comparative B.C.L.; Barrister - at - Law of the Middle tory of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico ; Philology ’; editor Dean Bradley’s ‘ Aids to Temple. (G. G. P*.)

ex-Governor of the State of New Mexico; Writing Latin Prose,’ etc. (T. L. P.)

President of the New Mex. Hist. Soc.; author PHILLIMORE, Sir Walter George PARKIN, George Robert, LL.D., C.M.G. ; of ‘New Mexico’ in Ninth Edition of ‘Ency. Frank, Bt., D.C.L., LL.D. ; Judge of the Principal of Upper Canada College, Toronto, Brit.’ (L. B. Pb.) King’s Bench Div.

author of ‘ Book of Church Canada; author of ‘Imperial Federation,’ Law,’ 2nd ed. of ‘ Phillimore’s Ecclesiastical

PROCTER, Hon. John Robert, President ‘Round the Empire,’ ‘The Great Dominion,’ Law, 3rd ed. of vol. iv. of ‘ Phillimore’s Inter

U.S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, ‘ Life and Letters of Edward Thring.’ (G. R. P.)

national Law.’ (W. G. F. P.)

D.C. ; Geologist State of Kentucky, 1880-1893 ; PARSONS, William Barclay; Chief En-

PHILLIPS, R. W., M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S.; Proauthor of ‘ Kentucky ’ in Ninth Edition of gineer of the Underground Railway, New York ‘Ency. Brit.’ (J. R. P.) fessor of Botany in the University Coll, of North City. (W. B. P.) Wales; author of ‘ Memoirs on the Physi

Major Henry Gosler, editor of

PASCO, Hon. Samuel; Member of the Nicaraology of Plants,’ ‘ Morphology of the Alga-,’

PROUT, ‘The Railroad Gazette,’ New York; sometime gua Canal Commission, United States Senator etc. (R. W. P.)

Governor of the Provinces of the Equator, from the State of Florida, 1887-99. (S. Pa.)

PHILLPOTTS, Col. A. H. C., R.A. Africa, and Colonel of Engineers, Army of the Khedive. (H. G. P.) (A. H. C. P.)

PATON, Diarmid Noel, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.P. Ed.; Superintendent of Research

PINCHOT, Gifford, B.A. ; Forester of the

PROWSE, Daniel Wodley, K.C., LL.D., Laboratory of Royal College of Physicians, D.C.L. ; retired Judge Central District Court of U.S. Department of Agriculture, Special Lec

Edinburgh, 1889; Lecturer on Physiology, Newfoundland; appointed Judge Central Dis

turer in the Forest School, Yale Univ.; author School of Medicine of Royal Colleges, Edin

trict Court, 1869; Commissioner for the Con

of ‘The White Pine.’ (G. P.)

burgh, 1886 ; Biological Fellow of Edinburgh solidation of Colonial laws ; Chairman Board University, 1884; Member of the Royal Com-

PITMAN, Charles Murray; stroke of the of Health, 1893-96 ; author of ‘ History of mission on Salmon Fisheries; author of many Oxford Eight, 1893-95. Author of articles on Newfoundland,’ ‘ Manual for Magistrates in papers on Physiological subjects. (D. N. P.) Rowing. (C. M. P.)

Newfoundland,’ numerous pamphlets and newspaper articles. (D. W. P.)

PAUL, Alfred Wallis. C.I.E., B.A.; late

PITT, Walter, M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E.; Member of Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford; Indian the Committee of International Maritime Con-

PULLAN, Rev. Leighton, Fellow of St Civil Service (retired): Political Officer Sikkim ference (London), etc. (W. P*.)

John’s Coll., Oxford; author of ‘History of